Built-In Properties

Some properties that already exist in the product are general purpose, or, are integral to the proper functioning of a widget.

The following built-in properties are supported for custom widgets:
  • 'required': for data widgets, allows the app author to ensure that a value is collected. Requiredness will be enforced beyond the UI; the integrity of the data will be enforced when it is submitted to the server.
  • 'title': this is used in various contexts to allow for editing and display of the name of a widget instance.
  • 'seenInOverview': allows the app author to decide if the widget's data should be displayed in the View Data page.


const myWidgetDefinition = {
    builtInProperties : [{ id: 'required'}, {id: 'title'}, {id: 'seenInOverview', defaultValue: true}],
Note: All widgets will be implicitly given an ID property. The default value of this property will be auto-incrementing unique value based on the widget definition's label. For example, a widget with a label of 'Yes/No' will result in a default ID of 'F_YesNo1'. Similar to Leap's built-in widgets, the app author is free to alter the ID to suit their needs.