MIN_VALUE (JavaScript)

Smallest positive finite value of a number.

Defined in

Number (Standard - JavaScript)




MIN_VALUE is a constant and has the same value whether called statically as shown in the syntax or from an object.

MIN_VALUE is approximately 4.9E-324.

A number less than MIN_VALUE has the value 0.


This example prints MIN_VALUE then demonstrates that an extremely small number is less than MIN_VALUE.
function p(stuff) {
 	print("<<<" + stuff + ">>>");

try {
	p(Number.MIN_VALUE.toPrecision(1)); // prints <<<4.9E-324>>>
	var n = new Number(4.9E-325);
	if (n < Number.MIN_VALUE) {
		p(n + " < Number.MIN_VALUE");
		// prints <<<0 < Number.MIN_VALUE>>>
} catch(e) {
	p("Error = " + e);