Send Mail (Simple actions)

Sends a mail message.

Defined in

Simple actions

Type of simple action

Basic (Server)


Note: This is the XSP source code. The UI presents the simple action as a dialog with a box for each argument.
sendMail from="address" to="name" cc="address" bcc="address" subject="string" bodyHtml="string" bodyPlain="string" importance="low|medium|high" deliveryReport="none|onlyonfailure|confirmdelivery|traceentirepath" deliveryPriority="low|medium|high" preventCopying="true|false" markSubjectConfidential="true|false" embeddedFormat="json|xml" htmlUrl="string" gadgetUrl="string"
	<xp:parameter name="name" value="string"></xp:parameter>
Arguments Description UI presentation
from Display address of the sender. Defaults to the address of the current user. This address appears as a display in the message, but the actual sender is the current user. An edit box plus the diamond icon. You can enter the value in the box or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
to Recipient addresses. Separate addresses with commas. An edit box plus the diamond icon. You can enter the value in the box or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
cc Addresses of carbon copy recipients. Separate addresses with commas. An edit box plus the diamond icon. You can enter the value in the box or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
bcc Addresses of blind carbon copy recipients. Separate addresses with commas. An edit box plus the diamond icon. You can enter the value in the box or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
subject Subject of the mail. An edit box plus the diamond icon. You can enter the value in the box or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
bodyHtml Body of the mail as HTML. An edit box plus the diamond icon. You can enter the value in the box or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
bodyPlain Body of the mail as plain text. An edit box plus the diamond icon. You can enter the value in the box or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
importance Delivery importance designator.
  • low
  • medium
  • high
A list plus the diamond icon. You can select from the list or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
deliveryReport Delivery report designator.
  • none
  • onlyonfailure
  • confirmdelivery
  • traceentirepath
A list plus the diamond icon. You can select from the list or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
deliveryPriority Delivery priority designator. Determines when Notes routes a message to Notes mail recipients.
  • low
  • medium
  • high
A list plus the diamond icon. You can select from the list or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
preventCopying Prevents a message recipient from copying, printing, forwarding, or replying with history.
  • true
  • false
A list plus the diamond icon. You can select from the list or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
markSubjectConfidential Prepends "Confidential" to the subject.
  • true
  • false
A list plus the diamond icon. You can select from the list or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
embeddedFormat Format of the embedded experience MIME part.
  • json
  • xml
A list plus the diamond icon. You can select from the list or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
htmlUrl HTML URL for the embedded experience. An edit box plus the diamond icon. You can enter the value in the box or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
gadgetUrl OpenSocial gadget URL for the embedded experience. An edit box plus the diamond icon. You can enter the value in the box or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
parameter Parameter for applying additional information to controls and data models supporting the property (such as the link control). A table with columns for name and value, and buttons to add and remove rows.


Note: These examples present XSP source code which can be inserted under the Source tab taking care to keep the XML well formed. To use the UI, select or enter the arguments in the simple action dialog.
This button sends a mail message from the current user using input from controls bound to scoped variables, and copies the current user.
<xp:button id="button25" value="sendmail">
	<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true" refreshMode="complete">
			<xp:sendMail to="#{javascript:return}"