@Do (JavaScript)

Evaluates a series of @function statements.

Defined in

@Functions (JavaScript)


@Do(statement, ...) : any
Parameter Description
statement An @function or a statement that is valid in an @function (for example, an assignment statement).
Return value Description
any The result of the last statement.


This example is the onBlur event for the edit box binding field1. It converts the Celsius value in field1 to a Fahrenheit value for field2.
var n = @GetNumberField("//field1");
// condition
@If(n != "",
	// true path
	@Do(n = 9 / 5 * n,
		@SetNumberField("//field2", n + 32)),
	// false path
	@Do(@SetNumberField("//field1", 0),
		@SetNumberField("//field2", 32)));