LastModified (NotesDocument - JavaScript)

Read-only. The date/time a document was last modified.

Defined in



getLastModified() : NotesDateTime


This property is null or 0 if the document is not modified.


This computed field displays the creation, initially modified, last modified, and last accessed dates of the current document.
var doc:NotesDocument = currentDocument.getDocument();
var msg = "This document was created on " + doc.getCreated().getDateOnly();
var im:NotesDateTime = doc.getInitiallyModified();
if (im !=null && im != 0) {
	var msg = msg + ", initially modified on " + im.getDateOnly();
var lm:NotesDateTime = doc.getLastModified();
if (lm != null && im != 0) {
	var msg = msg + ", last modified on " + lm.getDateOnly();
var la:NotesDateTime = doc.getLastAccessed();
if (la != null && la != 0) {
	var msg = msg + ", last accessed on " + la.getDateOnly();
return msg