Examples: LogAction method

  1. This agent script logs actions to a mail memo. It performs a full-text search on the current database, and logs one action for each document that matches the full-text search query.

    Each time the LogAction method is called, it adds a new line to the Body item of the mail memo. For example, if FTSearch returns a collection of three documents, the body of the mail memo looks like this:

    10/25/95 12:26:37 PM Botany Agent starting 10/25/95 12:26:42 PM Document Petals placed in folder. 10/25/95 12:26:44 PM Document Stems placed in folder. 10/25/95 12:26:46 PM Document Leaves placed in folder.

Sub Initialize
  Dim session As New NotesSession
  Dim db As NotesDatabase
  Dim collection As NotesDocumentCollection
  Dim currentLog As NotesLog
  Dim doc As NotesDocument
  Dim j As Integer
  Set db = session.CurrentDatabase
  Set collection = db.FTSearch( "botany", 0 )
  Set currentLog = New NotesLog( "Botany Agent" )
  Call currentLog.OpenMailLog _
  ( "Jesse Gora", "Log for Botany Agent" )
  For j = 1 To collection.Count
    Set doc = collection.GetNthDocument( j )
    Call doc.PutInFolder( "Botanist's Delight" )
    Call currentLog.LogAction( "Document " &  _
    doc.Subject( 0 ) & " placed in folder." )
  Call currentLog.Close
End Sub
  1. The call to OpenMailLog in the first script is replaced with the following:
    Call currentLog.OpenNotesLog( "", "agentlog.nsf" )

    Each time the LogAction method is called, it creates and saves a new document in AGENTLOG.NSF on the current computer. For example, if FTSearch returns a collection of three documents, one of the new documents created in AGENTLOG.NSF has the following items:

    A$PROGNAME	"Botany Agent"
    A$LOGTIME	10/25/95 01:22:24 PM
    A$USER		"Kerry Bowling"
    A$LOGTYPE	"Action"
    A$ACTION		"Document Petals placed 
                    in folder."
  2. The call to OpenMailLog in the first script is replaced with the following:
    Call currentLog.OpenFileLog( "c:\log.txt" )

    Each time the LogAction method is called, it adds a new line of text to LOG.TXT. For example, if FTSearch returns a collection of three documents, LOT.TXT looks like this:

    Botany Agent: 10/25/95 01:23:33 PM: Document Petals placed in folder.
    Botany Agent: 10/25/95 01:23:35 PM: Document Stems placed in folder.
    Botany Agent: 10/25/95 01:23:37 PM: Document Leaves placed in folder.