Connector Errors

Connector error messages are listed as follows:

&H3001-- 12289 LCFAIL_UNAVAILABLE -- Requested functionality is not available

A request for unsupported functionality was made. This can occur when using a connector which doesn't support a specific operation (for example, a connector may not support the Create method), or when an LC API method doesn't support a specific request (see the documentation for the method in question).

&H3002 -- 12290 LCFAIL_END_OF_DATA -- The last data value has been retrieved

The last element has been retrieved from a list of available data values. This is a normal return code from any operation which is called to iterate through data values (for example, LCConnection.Fetch, LCConnect.ListProperty, LCFieldlist.List, etc...). It does not indicate a fatal error, and is usually part of a normal flow of operations.

&H3003 -- 12291 LCFAIL_INVALID_INDEX -- Cannot locate list element

A request made of a multivalue object provided an invalid index. This normally occurs when accessing a list entity (for example, a field in a fieldlist or a text entry in a text list) where the index provided is greater than the maximum valid index for that object. Note that all indices are one-based, so that an object with three elements has valid index values of 1, 2, and 3.

&H3004 -- 12292 LCFAIL_INVALID_LIST -- Invalid List direction

When using a method which iterates through values, an LCLIST parameter indicates the listing method (for example, start at the first, or return the next entry). Either an invalid listing direction was provided, or a valid direction was provided, but is not supported in the current context.

&H3005 -- 12293 LCFAIL_INVALID_CONVERT -- Invalid conversion

An unsupported data conversion was attempted. Conversion is valid between members of the same data type "class" (numbers, streams, and datetimes) as well as to and from text. Conversions between data type classes where one type is not text (for example, converting between a datetime and a currency) will return this error. In addition, conversion to or from a binary stream formats is generally only valid when one type is text or a binary BLOB format.

&H3006 -- 12294 LCFAIL_INVALID_TEXT_LIST -- This operation requires a valid text list

An action that operates on a text list stream (a binary stream of format LCSTREAMFMT_TEXT_LIST) was provided a stream of a different format or with an invalid structure. Ensure that the stream data is a properly formatted text list.

&H3007 -- 12295 LCFAIL_INVALID_NUMBER_LIST -- This operation requires a valid number list

An action that operates on a number list stream (a binary stream of format LCSTREAMFMT_NUMBER_LIST) was provided a stream of a different format or with an invalid structure. Ensure that the stream data is a properly formatted number list.

&H3008 -- 12296 LCFAIL_INVALID_DATETIME_LIST -- This operation requires a valid datetime list

An action that operates on a datetime list stream (a binary stream of format LCSTREAMFMT_DATETIME_LIST) was provided a stream of a different format or with an invalid structure. Ensure that the stream data is a properly formatted datetime list.

&H3009 -- 12297 LCFAIL_ZERO_INDEX -- All index values are one-based -- an index of zero is not valid

A request made of a multivalue object provided an index of zero. All objects and methods which support an index reference (for example, fieldlists and text lists) use one-based indices, zero is never a valid index value.

&H300A -- 12298 LCFAIL_ZERO_COUNT -- This operation requires a non-zero count

A parameter indicating a count was given a value of zero when it is not valid. Zero counts are only valid in specific cases -- check the method documentation for more information.

&H300B -- 12299 LCFAIL_ZERO_OFFSET -- All offset values are one-based -- an offset of zero is not valid.

A request made of a multivalue object provided an offset of zero. All methods which support an offset parameter (for example, LCStream.Merge) use one-based offsets, zero is never a valid offset value.

&H300C -- 12300 LCFAIL_ZERO_FORMAT -- This operation requires a non-zero Stream Format

A parameter indicating a stream format was given a value of zero when it is not valid. Zero stream formats are only valid in specific cases; check the method documentation for more information. A list of valid stream formats is provided in your documentation.

&H300D -- 12301 LCFAIL_NULL_BUFFER -- A NULL buffer was provided when one was required

A method with a required buffer parameter was provided no value where a valid buffer was required. Check the method documentation for more information.

&H300E -- 12302 LCFAIL_NULL_RESULT -- A return parameter is required, but none was provided

A method with a required output parameter was provided no value where a valid parameter was required. Check the method documentation for more information.

&H300F -- 12303 LCFAIL_FIXED_LENGTH -- A fixed-length stream requires a non-zero length

When requesting a fixed-length stream (with the stream flag LCSTREAMF_FIXED), a maximum length property with a non-zero value must be provided via LCStream.Create.

&H3010 -- 12304 LCFAIL_INVALID_FLAGS -- The supplied flags are invalid, possibly due to a conflict

Bitwise flags provided for an operation are not valid; either invalid flags were specified, or conflicting flags were provided. Check the object or method documentation for more information on valid flags.

&H3011 -- 12305 LCFAIL_TEXT_TRANSLATE -- Text translation failure

Translation between character sets failed. This may be caused by an incorrect character set indicator or invalid data in the source text. If the problem persists, contact technical support.

&H3012 -- 12306 LCFAIL_NULL_FIELDNAME -- A NULL field name was provided

A NULL or empty field name was provided when a valid field name was required. Ensure that the field name being provided has at least one character, and check the method documentation for more information.

&H3013 -- 12307 LCFAIL_INVALID_FIELDLIST -- Invalid fieldlist

An LCFIELDLIST object handle is either not a valid handle, or is zero. Object handles must be a valid value returned by a method which creates a new fieldlist. Handles are no longer valid once the object is freed.

&H3014 -- 12308 LCFAIL_INVALID_CONNECTION -- Invalid connection

An LCCONNECTION object handle is either not a valid handle, or is zero. Object handles must be a valid value returned by a method which creates a new connection. Handles are no longer valid once the object is freed.

&H3015 -- 12309 LCFAIL_EMPTY_FIELDLIST -- This operation cannot be performed on a fieldlist with no fields

A fieldlist that contains no fields is not valid in this context. To avoid this error, ensure that any fields are added to the fieldlist, and check the method documentation for more information.

&H3016 -- 12310 LCFAIL_NAME_FIELDLIST -- This operation cannot be performed on a name-only fieldlist

A fieldlist created with a record count of zero is not valid in this context. Such fieldlists are intended for name mapping, and cannot contain data values. As such, they cannot be used in any situation where data will be read from or written to a fieldlist. To avoid this error, provide a non-zero record count when creating the fieldlist.

&H3017 -- 12311 LCFAIL_NATIVE_OVERRIDE -- Native text format override supplied is not a valid stream format indicator

An override of the native character set was provided in an .INI variable as indicated in the documentation. The character set indicated is not a valid character set identifier. Check the documentation for a list of valid character set strings.

&H3018 -- 12312 LCFAIL_RECORD_INDEX -- An invalid fieldlist record index was encountered

A fieldlist record index is not valid for the relevant fieldlist. This generally occurs with LCConnection class methods which accept a fieldlist and a record index. The index must be at least one (all indices are one-based), and cannot be greater than the number of records that the fieldlist was created with.

&H3019 -- 12313 LCFAIL_RECORD_COUNT -- Request to transfer more records than allocated in fieldlist

A fieldlist record count is not valid for the relevant fieldlist. This generally occurs with LCConnection class methods which accept a fieldlist and a record count. The count plus the record index cannot exceed the number of records that the fieldlist was created with. In addition, a count of zero is only valid in specific situations. See the method documentation for more information.

&H301A -- 12314 LCFAIL_LIST_SETUP -- Fieldlist iteration requires initial setup

Listing fieldlist in a fieldlist with LCFieldlist.List requires that LCFieldlist.ListSetup be called first to prepare the iteration.

&H301B -- 12315 LCFAIL_NO_MERGE_DATA -- The data fieldlist in a merge cannot be a name-only fieldlist

When using the methods LCFieldlist.Merge or MergeVirtual, the fieldlist provided as the data fieldlist cannot be a name-only fieldlist. It must be created with a non-zero record count.

&H301C -- 12316 LCFAIL_NO_RESULTSET -- This operation requires an active result set

A requested LCConnection operation cannot be performed unless the connection has an active result set. Produce a result set before attempting this operation. This error is generally produced by calling LCConnection.Fetch without a previous call to a method which produces a result set (such as Execute, Select, Call, or Catalog).

&H301D -- 12317 LCFAIL_NO_WRITEBACK -- This operation requires an active writeback result set

A requested LCConnection operation cannot be performed unless the connection has an active writeback result set. Produce a writeback-enabled result set before attempting this operation. This error is generally produced by calling LCConnection.Update or Remove with the "Writeback" property set, but without a previous call to a method which produces a writeback result set (such as Execute or Select with the "Writeback" property set). If the result set is produced without the writeback property set, then writeback operations are not supported against that result set.

&H301E -- 12318 LCFAIL_WRITEBACK_COUNT -- Writeback operation record counts must be one

When requesting a writeback operation against an LCConnection, only the most recently fetched record is affected, so the record count must be one.

&H301F -- 12319 LCFAIL_TRANSLATE_INIT -- Text translation subsystem initialization failure

The internal character set translation subsystem failed to initialize properly. This is generally due to an improperly installed environment. Check the document for installation and platform-specific notes, and contact technical support if the problem persists.

&H3020 -- 12320 LCFAIL_TIMEBOMB -- This time-limited version has expired [as of DATE]

This is a time-limited version which expired on the date indicated. A new version with a later time bomb, or a complete version must be obtained from IBM®.

&H3021 -- 12321 LCFAIL_SESSION_NOT_INIT -- The Connector Session must be initialized before performing any operation

The Connector Session class must be initialized before any other LC objects can be created or methods used.

&H3022 -- 12322 LCFAIL_CONNECTOR_VERSION -- Incorrect Connector version

A connector was built with an incompatible version of the Connector Toolkit. Contact IBM® or the developer of the connector for an updated version.

&H3023 -- 12323 LCFAIL_NOT_CONNECTED -- This operation requires a connection to a connector

The LCConnection method called cannot be used on an unconnected LCConnection. Call the connect method before this operation. In general, any operation which produces a result set or manipulates data or metadata cannot be called before connecting -- only getting and setting properties may occur. One exception for some connectors is that a server or database catalog result set may be produced and fetched from before connecting.

&H3024 -- 12324 LCFAIL_CONNECTED -- This operation cannot be performed when there is a valid connection to a connector

The LCConnection operation performed is not valid when the LCConnection is actively connected -- the Disconnect method must first be called. This may occur when performing an action which affects the connection itself, such as using the Drop method on a database.

&H3025 -- 12325 LCFAIL_EXTERNAL -- <external error text>

An external database or application accessed by a connector generated an error. The external error text and code are available with the method LCSession.GetStatus.

&H3026 -- 12326 LCFAIL_ACTIVE_SUBCONNECTOR -- The subconnector of a metaconnector can only be set once

Any subconnector property of a metaconnector can only be set once; any attempt to reset it will generate this error.

&H3027 -- 12327 LCFAIL_TRANSLATE_TABLE -- No translation tables are available for the character set

A translation table is available for most translations between supported character sets. This error indicates that the translation table for a specific character set or translation is not available and the character set translation cannot be performed. Often, a similar character set is available and can be used to obtain the same effective translation.

&H3028 -- 12328 LCFAIL_NO_SCROLL -- This operation requires an active scrollable result set

Using the LCConnection.Fetch method with a negative record count is only valid when the connector supports scrolling result sets and the active result set was produced with the "Scrolling" property set. This error is returned from the Fetch method when a negative record count is provided and either of these conditions is not met.

&H3029 -- 12322 LCFAIL_BINARY_FORMAT -- This operation requires a non-binary Stream Format

Certain LCStream methods are not valid on formatted binary stream formats. This method requires a stream with a text format, or unformatted BLOB binary format. Check the method documentation for more information.

&H302A -- 12330 LCFAIL_ASYNC_ACTIVE -- Asynchronous operation is still active

This error is returned from methods that wait for an asynchronous operation to complete. When the asynchronous operation is still active and any wait period specified passes, this error is returned.