List Method for LCFieldlist

This method retrieves information about one field in the fieldlist. By calling it repeatedly, you can iterate through the fields in the list.

Defined In



flag = fldLst. List (position, destField, index, dataType, flags, fieldName)





Long. Constant indicating whether to return the first or next field. The options are:

LCLIST_FIRST -- Return the first property in the property list.

LCLIST_NEXT -- Return the next property (or the first property if this is the first call to this function for this Connection).


LCField. Output, optional. The field in the fieldlist.


Long. Output, optional. Index of destField in the fieldlist. This may not advance consecutively for fieldlists produced with LCFieldlist.Merge or LCFieldlist.MergeVirtual.


Long. Output, optional. Data type of destField.


Long. Output, optional. Field flags of destField. Refer to the Field Class section for a description of the flags.


String. Output, optional. The field name.

Note: This information is not also stored in destField.


Option Public
Uselsx "*lsxlc" 
Sub Initialize
  Dim connect As New LCConnection ("db2") 
  Dim FldLst As New LCFieldlist
  Dim pos As Long
  Dim dtype As Long
  Dim flags As Long
  Dim fieldname As String
  REM this section assigns the appropriate properties to connect to DB2
  connect.Database = "Gold"
  connect.Userid = "JDoe"
  connect.Password = "xyzzy"
  connect.Metadata = "customer"
  REM connect to DB2
  REM select the records in the table (just to get the field descriptions)
 If (connect.Select (Nothing, 1, FldLst) = 0) Then
    Print "The customer table was not found."
    Print "The table description is:"
    pos = LCLIST_FIRST
    While (FldLst.List (pos, , , dtype, flags, fieldname) = True)
      Print "    " + fieldname + " is type #" +_
      Cstr(dtype) + " with flags " + Hex(flags)
      pos = LCLIST_NEXT
  End If
End Sub

Example Output

The table description is:
    ACCOUNTMANAGER is type #1 with flags 2
    CONTACTNAME is type #6 with flags 2
    COMPANYNAME is type #6 with flags 2
    COMPANYADDRESS is type #6 with flags 2
    COMPANYCITY is type #6 with flags 2
    COMPANYSTATE is type #6 with flags 2
    COMPANYPHONE is type #6 with flags 2