multiImage - Multi-image Output

Displays one icon from a collection depending on a selection value.


Extension Library


<xe:multiImage attributes>content</xe:multiImage>
Table 1. Essential properties
Property Description
id Defaults to multiImage1, multiImage2, and so on.
icons Specifies a collection where each element is of type xe:iconEntry. Specify selectedValue to give the icon a name for selection purposes. Specify url to identify the graphics file for the icon.
value Specifies the icon to display by matching a selectedValue property from the collection of icons.
ismap Specifies whether the icon is used as a server-side image map. The image must be inclosed in an element with an href attribute. Defaults to false.
longdesc Provides a URI with a detailed description of the image.
url Specifies the path to the image resource. This property is an alias for value.
usemap Specifies the name of a client-side image map.


The value property can be the value of another control where the user makes a choice. Use getComponent('controlid').value to get that value.


This multi-image control displays one of three images depending on the selection made in a combo box.
<xe:multiImage id="multiImage1"
	value="#{javascript:return getComponent('djComboBox1').value}">
		<xe:iconEntry url="/binary.gif" alt="binary"
		<xe:iconEntry url="/folder.gif" alt="folder"
		<xe:iconEntry url="/link.gif" alt="link"
<xe:djComboBox id="djComboBox1" defaultValue="binary">
	<xp:selectItem itemLabel="binary"></xp:selectItem>
	<xp:selectItem itemLabel="folder"></xp:selectItem>
	<xp:selectItem itemLabel="link"></xp:selectItem>
	<xp:eventHandler event="onChange" submit="true"