DQL syntax

DQL can be executed in the LotusScript® or Java Query method on the (Notes®) Database object or the domino-db node.js API.

Using [ and ] to denote option tokens, the syntax of DQL is:
Term [Boolean Term [ Boolean Term ...]]
where the syntax for Term and Boolean is described in the following table.
Note: Spaces are required between Identifiers, Operators, and Values.
Table 1. DQL Term and Boolean syntax
Element Element Element Value
SummaryField | ‘View or folder name’.Columnname | @function

SummaryField is the name of any field stored in the summary portion of any document in a Domino® database.

View or folder name is the name, or an alias, of any view or folder created in a Domino® database.

Columnname is the programmatic name of any primary sorted column in the view or folder specified in View or folder name.

@function is @all | @ModifiedInThisFile |@DocumentUniqueID | @Created

Operator = | > | >= | < | <= | in [all] | contains [all]

Quoted string value ’ | @dt(‘ datetime value ’) | number | ( in value list )

Quoted string value is any textual value desired to be found in a field or view column specified

datetime value is an ISO8601-compliant value specified in GMT or Zulu time

number is a floating point number, with or without decimal point, including scientific notation

in value list is

value 1’ [ ,’value2’ ... ]

Boolean and | or | and not | or not

With many different functions and operators in DQL, it is possible to get the same results in many ways. Understanding DQL’s Performance and resource use will help you to optimize your searches; use DQL’s explain facility via the DomQuery utility (or by the DominoQuery.explain() method in the Java and LotusScript classes) to practice this.