Working with HCL software

HCL software provides the environment in which you create, debug, and run LotusScript® modules. Each HCL software application that works with LotusScript® supplies its own application programming interface (API), which lets you use product functionality and create and manipulate product objects from within LotusScript®. A product API is effectively an extension to the LotusScript® language that is available when you are running that product.

Determining which product file is being used

On the Windows, and some other platforms, you can use command-line arguments to start programs and open program files.

The Command function returns the command-line arguments used to start the HCL software application from which LotusScript® was started. You can use it to get the name of the product file. For example, you may use the file name to identify which product file is currently running, or to provide input for messages to the user.

For example, if the command line for launching a Word Pro® application is:

c:\wordpro\wordpro.exe c:\wordpro\docs\busgoals.lwp

the Command function returns "busgoals.lwp". You then make this string the title that appears in any message boxes the script displays.

Dim message As String, messageTitle As String
messageTitle$ = Command$
'Use messageTitle$ as the title of a message box.
message = "This is a test."
MessageBox message$, messageTitle$

Message box with Ok button that displays, This is a test