Accessing international settings using Java

The International class represents the international (regional) settings of the operating environment. You can access the international settings through getInternational in Session.

The following methods access the International properties:

  • getCurrencyDigits returns an int value containing the number of decimal digits for number format.
  • getDecimalSep returns a String value containing the decimal separator for number format.
  • getThousandsSep returns a String value containing the thousands separator for number format.
  • isCurrencyZero returns a boolean value that is true if fractions have a zero before the decimal point for number format.
  • getCurrencySymbol returns a String value containing the symbol that indicates a number is currency.
  • isCurrencySpace returns a boolean value that is true if currency format has a space between the currency symbol and the number.
  • isCurrencySuffix returns a boolean value that is true if the currency symbol follows the number in currency format.
  • getAMString returns a String value containing the AM designator.
  • getPMString returns a String value containing the PM designator.
  • getTimeSep returns a String value containing the character used to separate hours, minutes, and seconds.
  • getTimeZone returns an int value containing the time zone.
  • isTime24Hour returns a boolean value that is true if the time format is 24-hour.
  • getDateSep returns a String value containing the character used to separate months, days, and years.
  • getToday returns a String value containing the today designator for time-date format.
  • getTomorrow returns a String value containing the tomorrow designator for time-date format.
  • getYesterday returns a String value containing the yesterday designator for time-date format.
  • isDateDMY returns a boolean value that is true if the order of the date format is day-month-year.
  • isDateMDY returns a boolean value that is true if the order of the date format is month-day-year.
  • isDateYMD returns a boolean value that is true if the order of the date format is year-month-day.
  • isDST returns a boolean value that is true if the date format reflects daylight-saving time.
  • getParent returns a Session object representing the current session.