Accessing an outline using Java

You can access and create outlines in a database as follows:

  • getOutline in Database returns an Outline object representing an existing outline.
  • createOutline in Database returns an Outline object representing a newly created outline.

The Outline class provides access to properties through the following methods:

  • getAlias returns a String value containing the programming name of an outline; setAlias sets the value.
  • getComment returns a String value containing an informational description of an outline; setComment sets the value.
  • getName returns a String value containing the name of an outline; setName sets the value.
  • getParentDatabase returns a Database object representing the parent database of an outline.

The getChild, getFirst, getLast, getNext, getNextSibling, getPrev, and getPrevSibling methods return OutlineEntry objects that represent entries in the outline. The addEntry, createEntry, moveEntry, and removeEntry methods manipulate entries in the outline. You must save an outline after manipulating an entry.

The OutlineEntry class provides access to properties through the following methods:

  • getAlias returns a String value containing the programming name of an outline entry.
  • getDatabase returns a Database object representing the link for a database outline entry.
  • getDocument returns a Database object representing the link for a database outline entry.
  • getEntryClass returns an int constant containing the class of entry.
  • getFormula returns a String value containing the formula of an action outline entry.
  • getFrameText returns a String value containing the name of the entry's frame; setFrameText sets the value.
  • hasChildren returns true if the entry has child entries.
  • getHideFormula returns a String value containing the hide formula, if any; setHideFormula sets the value.
  • getImagesText returns a String value containing the name of the entry's frame; setImagesText sets the value.
  • isHidden returns true if the entry is hidden in the current user context; setHidden sets the entry hidden in both the Notes® client and a Web browser.
  • isHiddenFromNotes returns true if the entry is hidden in the Notes® client; setHiddenFromNotes sets the entry hidden in the Notes® client.
  • isHiddenFromWeb returns true if the entry is hidden in a Web browser; setHiddenFromWeb sets the entry hidden in a Web browser.
  • isInThisDB returns true if entry refers to an element in the current database.
  • isPrivate returns true if an entry is specific to an individual.
  • getKeepSelectionFocus returns true if the entry keeps selection focus; setKeepSelectionFocus sets the value.
  • getLabel returns a String value containing the entry label; setLabel sets the value.
  • getLevel returns an int value containing the level of the entry.
  • getNamedElement returns a String value containing the name for a named element outline entry.
  • getParent returns the parent outline of the specified entry.
  • getType returns an int constant containing the type of entry.
  • getURL returns a String value containing the formula of an action outline entry.
  • getUseHideFormula returns true if the entry uses the hide formula; setUseHideFormula sets the value.
  • getView returns a View object representing the link for a view outline entry.

You can set class and type attributes with the following methods:

  • setAction specifies the formula for an outline entry.
  • setNoteLink sets the link for a database, document, or view outline entry.
  • setURL specifies the URL for an outline entry.
  • setNamedElement specifies the database and named element for an outline entry.