putAllInFolder (ViewEntryCollection - Java)

Adds the documents associated with all the entries in a view entry collection to a specified folder.

Defined in



public void putAllInFolder(String folderName)
    throws NotesException
public void putAllInFolder(String folderName, boolean createOnFail)
    throws NotesException


String folderName

The name of the folder in which to place the documents. The folder may be personal if the program is running on the workstation. If the folder is within another folder, specify a path to it, separating folder names with backslashes and escaping the backslashes in a literal, for example:

boolean createOnFail

If true (default), creates the folder if it does not exist. If false and the folder does not exist, this method does nothing.


If a document is already inside the folder you specify, putAllInFolder does nothing for that document. If you specify a path to a folder, and none of the folders exist, the method creates all of them for you.
