addInvitees (NotesCalendarEntry - Java)

Adds invitees to the calendar entry or entries.

Defined in



void addInvitees( java.util.Vector requiredNames, java.util.Vector optionalNames,
 java.util.Vector fyiNames )
	throws NotesException;
void addInvitees( java.util.Vector requiredNames, java.util.Vector optionalNames,
 java.util.Vector fyiNames, String comments )
	throws NotesException;
void addInvitees( java.util.Vector requiredNames, java.util.Vector optionalNames,
 java.util.Vector fyiNames, String comments, int flags )
	 throws NotesException;
void addInvitees( java.util.Vector requiredNames, java.util.Vector optionalNames,
 java.util.Vector fyiNames, String comments, int flags, int scope, String recurID )
	throws NotesException;
Parameter Description
requiredNames Vector. List of users to add to the specified entry (or entries) as a Required attendee.
optionalNames Vector. List of users to add to the specified entry (or entries) as a Optional attendee.
fyiNames Vector. List of users to add to the specified entry (or entries) as a FYI attendee.
comments(optional) String. Comments to include on the outgoing notice(s) to organizer or participants
flags(optional) Int. Flags - Only CAL_ACTION_UPDATE_ALL_PARTICIPANTS is allowed, default value : 0
Scope(optional) Int. The scope of a recurring operation:
  • CS_RANGE_REPEAT_FUTURE (3), inclusive
  • CS_RANGE_REPEAT_PREV (2), inclusive
recurId String. The recurrence identifier (RECURRENCE-ID item) for a recurring calendar event. The format of a recurrence identifier is a time in UTC format, for example, 20120913T160000Z.
Possible exception Description
A required argument has not been provided(4323) The argument does not exist or with wrong type
NotesCalendar error(4805) General Notes calendar error
Recurrence-ID not found (4808) The meeting recurrence specified by recurid does not exist.