getHistoryUrl (XSPContext - JavaScript)

Gets a URL from the navigation history of the current page.

Defined in

XSPContext (JavaScript)


getHistoryUrl(level : int) : string
Parameters Description
level The level of the page in the navigation history, where 0 is the current page and 1 or -1 is the previous page.
Return value Description
string The URL of the page, or null if the page does not exist.


The navigation history represents the pages accessed by the user starting with the current page.

The history maintains two levels by default. You can change the level by specifying xsp.persistence.maxurls in in the properties directory of your Notes® data directory.

A page URL takes the form:


This computed field displays the URLs of the current and previously opened pages:
var n = 0;
var d = "";
var h = context.getHistoryUrl(n);
do {
	d += h + "\n";
	h = context.getHistoryUrl(++n);
} while(h != null)
return d