Change Document Mode (Simple actions)

Changes the access mode for the current page.

Defined in

Simple actions

Type of simple action

Document (Server)


Note: This is the XSP source code. The UI presents the simple action as a dialog with a box for each argument.
changeDocumentMode mode="string"
Arguments Description UI presentation
mode One of the following:
  • toggle
  • readOnly
  • autoEdit
  • edit
A combo box with the options Toggle, Read Mode, Auto Edit, and Edit Mode, plus the diamond icon. You can click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.


The user must have permission for the specified mode. Otherwise a lesser mode prevails.


Note: These examples present XSP source code which can be inserted under the Source tab taking care to keep the XML well formed. To use the UI, select or enter the arguments in the simple action dialog.
(1) This button changes the document to edit mode.
<xp:button value="Edit" id="button1" style="width:110.0px">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true" refreshMode="complete">
	<xp:changeDocumentMode mode="edit"></xp:changeDocumentMode>
(2) This link changes the document to edit mode for users with permission to edit. The document opens in read mode for users without permission to edit.
<xp:link id="link1" text="Edit this document">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true" refreshMode="complete">
	<xp:changeDocumentMode mode="autoEdit"></xp:changeDocumentMode>