parseFloatWithDecimalSeparatorTolerance (I18n - JavaScript)

Parses text from the beginning of the given string to produce a number.

The text must be exactly the same as performed by 'valueOf' method in the class Double. This means that the text must have a '.' for decimal separator, and no grouping separator. (example : ths string '1000000.1' is analyzed as one million point one. but the string '1,000,000.1' can't be parsed, and a NumberFormatException is thrown. )

In some countries, the convention is to enter a comma to separate the decimal part. To make the data capture easier, this method will accept a comma or a point if the locale corresponds to a country where the convention is to enter a comma.

Defined in



parseFloatWithDecimalSeparatorTolerance(src:string, loc:locale) : double