getNextDocument (NotesView - JavaScript)

Given a document in a view, returns the document immediately following it.

Defined in



getNextDocument(doc:NotesDocument) : NotesDocument
Parameter Description
doc Any document in the view. Cannot be null.
Return value Description
NotesDocument The document in the view following the specified parameter. Returns null if there are no more documents in the view.


This method returns the next document in the view regardless of what type of document it is (document, response, or response-to-response). If you want the next sibling document in the view, use getNextSibling.

If the view is filtered by FTSearch, this method returns the first document in the filtered view.

The NotesViewNavigator and NotesViewEntryCollection classes provide more efficient methods for navigating views and accessing entries.


This button gets all the documents in a view from first to last.
var v:NotesView = database.getView("main");
var doc:NotesDocument = v.getFirstDocument();
while (doc != null) {
	requestScope.status += "\n" + 
	var tmpdoc = v.getNextDocument(doc);
	doc = tmpdoc;