Style (NotesRichTextTable - JavaScript)

Read-write. The table color style. Use this property in conjunction with Color and AlternateColor.

Defined in



getStyle() : int

setStyle(tablestyle:int) : void

Legal value Description
RichTextTable.TABLESTYLE_ALTERNATINGCOLS applies AlternateColor and Color to alternating columns starting with AlternateColor.
RichTextTable.TABLESTYLE_ALTERNATINGROWS applies AlternateColor and Color to alternating rows starting with AlternateColor.
RichTextTable.TABLESTYLE_LEFT applies Color to the left column and AlternateColor to all other cells.
RichTextTable.TABLESTYLE_LEFTTOP applies Color to the left column and top row, and AlternateColor to all other cells.
RichTextTable.TABLESTYLE_NONE applies no color to the table.
RichTextTable.TABLESTYLE_RIGHT applies Color to the right column and AlternateColor to all other cells.
RichTextTable.TABLESTYLE_RIGHTTOP applies Color to the right column and top row, and AlternateColor to all other cells.
RichTextTable.TABLESTYLE_SOLID applies Color to all cells.
RichTextTable.TABLESTYLE_TOP applies Color to the top row and AlternateColor to all other cells.


The default style for new tables is TABLESTYLE_NONE.