findFirstString (NotesRichTextNavigator - JavaScript)

Moves the current position to the beginning of the first occurrence of a string in a rich text item.

Defined in



findFirstString(target:string) : boolean

findFirstString(target:string, options:int) : boolean

Parameter Description
String target The search string.
int options Any of the following. Specify multiple options by combining them with addition or logical ORs.
  • RichTextRange.RT_FIND_ACCENTINSENSITIVE (default is accent sensitive)
  • RichTextRange.RT_FIND_CASEINSENSITIVE (default is case sensitive)
  • RichTextRange.RT_FIND_PITCHINSENSITIVE (default is pitch insensitive)
Return value Description
  • true if the string exists and the current position is reset
  • false if the string does not exist and the current position is not reset


For purposes of identity, this method finds an element of type RTELEM_TYPE_TEXTSTRING. You can use the RichTextRange methods setBegin and setEnd on the navigator to delineate the string.