setUserPasswordSettings (NotesAdministrationProcess - JavaScript)

Enters a request in the Administration Requests database to change the password management settings on the Administration tab of the user's person document.

Defined in



setUserPasswordSettings(username:string, notespasswordchecksetting:Integer, notespasswordchangeinterval:Integer, notespasswordgraceperiod:Integer, internetpasswordforcechange:Boolean) : string
Parameter Description
String username The full hierarchical name (can be abbreviated) of the user.
Integer notespasswordchecksetting
  • AdministrationProcess.PWD_CHK_CHECKPASSWORD requires the user to enter a password when authenticating with servers that have password checking enabled
  • AdministrationProcess.PWD_CHK_DONTCHECKPASSWORD does not require the user to enter a password when authenticating with other servers (default)
  • AdministrationProcess.PWD_CHK_LOCKOUT prevents the user from accessing servers that have password checking enabled Integer
notespasswordchangeinterval Required change interval - number of days at which the user must supply a new password. Defaults to zero.
Integer notespasswordgraceperiod Grace period (in days) for changing the password. Defaults to zero.
Boolean internetpasswordforcechange
  • true to force the user to change the password on next login
  • false to not force the user to change the password (default)
Return value Description
String The note ID of an entry created in the Administration Requests database.


Specify null to take the default for the optional parameters 2-5.

At least one optional parameter must be specified.

Language cross-reference

setUserPasswordSettings in LotusScript® NotesAdministrationProcess class

setUserPasswordSettings in Java AdministrationProcess class