LC LSX Data Types

Standard and advanced Connector LotusScript® Extensions (LC LSX) data types are described as follows.

Standard Data Types

These are the types for data that you will read from or write to data sources you connect to using a Connector or HCL Enterprise Integrator (HEI). Standard data types come in the following three classes:

  • Number (Int, Float, Currency, and Numeric)
  • Datetime (Datetime)
  • Stream (Text and Binary)

All types except Int and Float are represented by Connector classes described in this manual (Int is represented by a LotusScript® Long, and Float by a LotusScript® Double).

  • Int: A four-byte signed integer. Integers are very efficient, but limited in precision and range. An Int is any whole number between -2147483647 and 2147483647 (9 digits of precision).
  • Float: An eight-byte (double-precision) floating point number. Floats have less precision than currencies or numerics, but have a far greater range of values and are more efficient. A float has 15 digits of precision, and can represent any practical value (with an exponential range between 10^308 and 10^-308).
  • Currency: An eight-byte integer with four decimal places. Currency provides greater precision than either int or float values. While it is less precise than a numeric, it is far more efficient, making it the preferable choice when higher precision is required. A currency has 19 digits of precision, and a maximum value of 922,337,203,685,477.5807.
  • Numeric: A numeric is larger and less efficient than any other number data type, but has far greater precision. A numeric is assigned a precision (number of digits) up to 88 and a scale (number of decimal places) between -127 and 127, allowing it to express a very large number of values with very high precision.
  • Datetime: A datetime indicates a specific date and time. Its range is any date between the years 1 and 32767, with a precision of .01 seconds. In addition, datetimes are specific to time zone and DST settings, making them usable in international settings.
  • Text: Text is a stream of characters up to 4GB in length. All text has a character set, and conversion between character sets is supported. When transferring between systems, character set conversion is automatically performed as needed.
  • Binary: Binary is a stream of bytes up to 4GB in length. All binary data has a format which is either BLOB (Binary Large Object) for unformatted data, or a structured binary format such as composite, text list, number list, and datetime list. The three list formats allow for a single data value to itself contain multiple values.

Advanced Data Types

Advanced data types comprise two areas: Fieldlist and connection.

  • Fieldlist: A fieldlist itself is a collection of named fields with one or more values each, similar to a SQL table. A fieldlist as a data type allows for a single data value to itself contain a fieldlist, supporting hierarchical or nested data. The fields in a fieldlist data value may in turn contain additional nested fieldlists. Fieldlists are only usable by those back-end that support such data structures.
  • Connection: A connection supports interaction with a back end system through a Connector. Connections as a data type are only valid when working with metaconnectors, since metaconnectors have properties of type connection.