lookupNames (Directory - Java)

Looks up designated Items for specified Names contained in the specified View.

Note: This method is new with Release 8

Defined in



DirectoryNavigator lookupNames(String view, java.util.Vector names, Variant items)
DirectoryNavigator lookupNames(String view, java.util.Vector names, java.util.Vector items, boolean partialMatches)
DirectoryNavigator lookupNames(String view, String names, java.util.Vector items)
DirectoryNavigator lookupNames(String view, String names, java.util.Vector items, boolean partialMatches)



String. The name of the view in which to look up names.


Either a single string, or an array of strings. The names to be searched in the view. Entries must match one of these names to be searched for items.


Variant. Either a single string, or an array of strings. Summary data items whose values will be returned by the lookup.


Boolean. Optional. Indicates partial matches of names are allowed.

Return value


The newly created directory navigator, containing the values in items of entries whose name matches (or partially matches, if partialmatches is true) names.


This method will flush the Directory cache and reset all child navigators.

The items specified in this method can be:

  1. the programmatic name of a column (the programmatic name is not necessarily the display name)
  2. the programmatic name of a field in the note (names which are not columns in the specified view)
  3. a computed item provided by NAMELookup (such as $$DbName)

For best performance, use column names from the specified view or computed items.