Field-specific Parameterized Connector Errors

Several field-specific parameterized connector errors are shown as follows:

&H3201 -- 12801 LCFAIL_OVERFLOW -- Data overflow[in field 'FIELDNAME']

A data overflow was encountered when transferring data to or from a field. This error generally occurs when writing data to an external system, and the data is too large for the target field (for example, writing the text "abcdefg" to a SQL CHAR(5) field). This error can also occur, though, when reading data into an internal data type and the data cannot be accommodated (a number or datetime is out of range, or a stream exceeds the maximum allowed length. This error can be suppressed by assigning the field flag LCFIELDF_TRUNC_DATA, or selecting the corresponding option to allow data loss on overflow.

&H3202 -- 12802 LCFAIL_PRECISION_LOSS -- Data precision loss [in field 'FIELDNAME']

This error is generated when performing type mapping between internal and external fields when the data types are different, and precision may be lost on data transfer. Note that this error indicates that precision will be lost between the data types, irrelevant of the actual data (for example, writing a FLOAT values of 3 to an INT field will be considered a precision loss, since it checks the data types once at mapping time, rather than the data values for each transfer). This error can be suppressed by assigning the field flag LCFIELDF_TRUNC_PREC, or selecting the corresponding option to allow precision loss.

&H3203 -- 12803 LCFAIL_INVALID_INT -- Invalid integer value [in field 'FIELDNAME']

The indicated field contains an invalid integer value, or an attempt to assign an invalid integer value was made. Ensure that the data source for the field was a valid value and check that the field value is not being destroyed by an incorrect operation or method call.

&H3204 -- 12804 LCFAIL_INVALID_FLOAT -- Invalid float value [in field 'FIELDNAME']

The indicated field contains an invalid floating point value, or an attempt to assign an invalid floating point value was made. Ensure that the data source for the field was a valid value and check that the field value is not being destroyed by an incorrect operation or method call.

&H3205 -- 12805 LCFAIL_INVALID_CURRENCY -- Invalid currency value [in field 'FIELDNAME']

The indicated field contains an invalid currency value, or an attempt to assign an invalid currency value was made. Ensure that the data source for the field was a valid datetime value within the allowable range of an LCCurrency and check that the field value is not being destroyed by an incorrect operation or method call.

&H3206 -- 12806 LCFAIL_INVALID_NUMERIC -- Invalid numeric value [in field 'FIELDNAME']

The indicated field contains an invalid numeric value, or an attempt to assign an invalid numeric value was made. Ensure that the data source for the field was a valid numeric value within the allowable range of an LCNumeric and check that the field value is not being destroyed by an incorrect operation or method call.

&H3207 -- 12807 LCFAIL_INVALID_DATETIME -- Invalid datetime value [in field 'FIELDNAME']

The indicated field contains an invalid datetime value, or an attempt to assign an invalid datetime value was made. Ensure that the data source for the field was a valid datetime value within the allowable range of an LCDatetime, and check that the field value is not being destroyed by an incorrect operation or method call.

&H3208 -- 12808 LCFAIL_INVALID_STREAM -- Invalid stream value [in field 'FIELDNAME']

The indicated field contains an invalid stream value, or an attempt to assign an invalid stream value was made. Ensure that the data source for the field was a valid value and check that the field value is not being destroyed by an incorrect operation or method call.

&H3209 --12809 LCFAIL_INVALID_FIELD -- Invalid field ['FIELDNAME']

An LCFIELD object handle is either not a valid handle, or is zero. Object handles must be a valid value returned by a method which creates a new field. Handles are no longer valid once the object is freed.

&H320A -- 12810 LCFAIL_INVALID_TYPE -- Invalid data type[for field 'FIELDNAME']

The data type for the indicated field is an overview data type, or a data type parameter was provided with an invalid value. This error will generally only occur if some sort of corruption exists, but could also be indicative of a version mismatch between a specific connector and the calling program or tool. Check to ensure that only valid data types of the form LCTYPE_XXX are being used, and if the problem persists, contact technical support.

&H320B -- 12811 LCFAIL_INVALID_KEY -- Invalid key field ['FIELDNAME']

The indicated field was provided as a key field, but no such searchable field exists in the result set or external system. Two common sources of this error are misspellings of the key field name or use of a non-searchable field (as defined by the external systems -- check the connector documentation for information on data types that cannot be used as keys) as a key. This error can also occur when the key field is left out of the result set.

&H320C -- 12812 LCFAIL_DUPLICATE_KEY -- Duplicate key field ['FIELDNAME']

The indicated field was provided as a key field twice; a single field can only be used once as a key. Either remove the second occurrence of the key field, or provide a different field name in its place.

&H320D -- 12813 LCFAIL_INVALID_STAMPFIELD -- Invalid timestamp field ['FIELDNAME']

The indicated field was provided as a timestamp field, but no such field exists in the result set or external system. This generally occurs because the name of the field was misspelled, or it was not included in the result set.

&H320E -- 12814 LCFAIL_INVALID_FIELDNAME -- Field name ['FIELDNAME'] is not valid in this context

The indicated field name is not valid for the context in which it was used. For example, when attempting to create a new metadata object in an external system, this error may be generated if any of the fields are not valid field names for that external system.

&H320F -- 12815 LCFAIL_VIRTUAL_FIELD -- Unsupported virtual field ['FIELDNAME']

Virtual fields are an advanced feature only supported by certain connectors. When using virtual fields, only those fields supported by the connector in question are valid. When a connector supports virtual fields and a field provided has that connector's virtual code set, then it will generate this error if it does not understand the supplied virtual field. Check the connector documentation for information on supported virtual fields.

&H3210 -- 12816 LCFAIL_VIRTUAL_VALUE -- Invalid data value for virtual field ['FIELDNAME']

Virtual fields are an advanced feature supported only by certain connectors. When using virtual fields, only values supported by the connector in questions are valid. When a connector supports virtual fields and a field provided has that connector's virtual code set, then it will generate this error if it cannot handle or interpret the value supplied in that virtual field. Check the connector documentation for information on supported virtual fields and valid values for those fields.

&H3211 -- 12817 LCFAIL_INVALID_ORDER -- Invalid order field ['FIELDNAME']

The indicated field was provided as an ordering field, but no such usable field exists in the result set or external system. This error can occur when misspelling a fieldname or leaving the indicated field out of the result set. It can also occur in some cases when using a non-searchable field (as defined by the external systems; check the connector documentation for information on data types that cannot be used as keys) for ordering, and not using an Order Metaconnector.