copyColumn (View - Java)

Creates a new column by copying an existing one.

Note: This method is new with Release 6.5.

Defined in



public ViewColumn copyColumn(String sourcecolumn)
    throws NotesException
public ViewColumn copyColumn(String sourcecolumn, int destinationindex)
    throws NotesException
public ViewColumn copyColumn(ViewColumn sourcecolumn)
    throws NotesException
public ViewColumn copyColumn(ViewColumn sourcecolumn, int destinationindex)
    throws NotesException
public ViewColumn copyColumn(int sourcecolumn)
    throws NotesException
public ViewColumn copyColumn(int sourcecolumn, int destinationindex)
    throws NotesException


String sourcecolumn

The title of the view column to be copied. It must be in the same view.

ViewColumn sourcecolumn

The view column to be copied.

int sourcecolumn

The position of the view column to be copied. It must be in the same view.

int destinationindex

The position of the new column. Defaults to the last column.

Return value


A ViewColumn object. The new column.


Positioning is 1-based. This differs from the vector returned by Columns, which is 0-based.
