Accessing document properties in Java classes

You access the document properties through the following methods:

  • getAuthors returns a String vector containing the names of users who have saved the document.
  • getColumnValues returns an Object vector containing the column values in the parent view, or an empty vector if the document is not accessed through a view.
  • getCreated returns a DateTime object representing the date and time the document was created.
  • getEmbeddedObjects returns an EmbeddedObject object vector representing the embedded objects in the document (but not file attachments).
  • getEncryptionKeys returns a String vector containing the keys used to encrypt the document; setEncryptionKey sets the keys.
  • getFolderReferences returns a String vector containing the universal IDs of the folders that contain the document.
  • getFTSearchScore returns an int value containing the relevance value if the document was retrieved from a full-text search.
  • hasEmbedded returns true if the document has embedded objects.
  • getHttpURL returns a String value containing the HTTP URL of the document.

  • isDeleted returns true if the document is or becomes a deletion stub.
  • isEncrypted returns true if the document is encrypted.

  • isEncryptOnSend returns true if the document is encrypted when mailed; setEncryptOnSend sets the encryption attribute.
  • isNewNote returns true if the document is created but does not yet exist on disk.
  • isProfile returns true if the document is a profile document.
  • isResponse returns true if the document is a response document.
  • isSaveMessageOnSend returns true if a document is saved when mailed.
  • isSentByAgent returns true if the document was mailed by a program.
  • isSigned returns true if the document is signed.
  • isSignOnSend returns true if the document is signed when mailed; setSignOnSend sets the sign-on-send attribute.
  • isValid returns true if the document exists (is not a deletion stub) initially.
  • getItems returns an Item vector representing all the items in the document.
  • getKey returns a String value containing the profile key of a profile document.
  • getLastAccessed returns a DateTime object representing the date and time the document was last accessed.
  • getLastModified returns a DateTime object representing the date and time the document was last modified.
  • getNameOfProfile returns a String value containing the profile name of a profile document.
  • getNotesURL returns a String value containing the Notes® URL of the document.

  • getNoteID returns a String value containing the NoteID of the document.
  • getParentDatabase returns a Database object representing the database that contains the document.
  • getParentDocumentUNID returns a String value containing the universal ID of the parent if the document is a response.
  • getParentView returns a View object representing the view from which the document was retrieved, if any.
  • getResponses returns a DocumentCollection object representing the immediate responses to this document, if any.
  • getSigner returns a String value containing the name of the signer if the document is signed.
  • getSize returns an int value containing the size of the document in bytes, including any attachments.
  • getUniversalID returns a String value containing the universal ID of the document.
  • getVerifier returns a String value containing the name of the certificate verifying a signature if the document is signed.