Publish View Column (Simple actions)

Publishes the value of a view column as a component event.

Defined in

Simple actions

Type of simple action

Component (Client)


Note: This is the XSP source code. The UI presents the simple action as a dialog with a box for each argument.
publishViewColumn name="eventname" columnName="columnname" type="type"
Arguments Description UI presentation
eventname Event name of the property to publish. An edit box plus the diamond icon. You can type a string into the field or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
columnname Name of the column. An edit box plus the diamond icon. You can type a string into the field or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.
type Data type of the property: String (default), Boolean, Number, or JSON. A dropdown list plus the diamond icon. You can select a value or click the diamond to dynamically compute the value.


See "Working with components in XPages" in the IBM® Domino® Designer User Guide for guidelines on components.


Note: These examples present XSP source code which can be inserted under the Source tab taking care to keep the XML well formed. To use the UI, select or enter the arguments in the simple action dialog.
This button publishes a component event.
<xp:viewColumn columnName="City" id="viewColumn4" displayAs="link">
	<xp:viewColumnHeader value="City" id="viewColumnHeader4"
	<xp:eventHandler event="onclick">
			<xp:publishViewColumn name="UserSelected"