decline (NotesCalendarEntry - JavaScript)

Declines a meeting entry or entries.

Defined in



decline(comments:string) : void

decline(comments:string, keepinformed:boolean) : void

decline(comments:string, keepinformed:boolean, scope:int, recurid:string) : void

Parameter Description
comments Comments regarding a meeting change.
keepinformed Specify true to continue to receive notices about the meeting.
scope The scope of a recurring operation:
  • CS_RANGE_REPEAT_FUTURE (3), inclusive
  • CS_RANGE_REPEAT_PREV (2), inclusive
recurid The recurrence identifier (RECURRENCE-ID item) for a recurring calendar event. The format of a recurrence identifier is a time in UTC format, for example, 20120913T160000Z.
Possible exception Value Text Description
NotesError.NOTES_ERR_INVALIDID 4757 Invalid ID The identifier for the NotesCalendarEntry object is not valid.
NotesError.NOTES_ERR_RECURID_NOTFOUND 4808 Recurrence-ID not found The recurrence identifier for the NotesCalendarEntry object is not valid.
NotesError.NOTES_ERR_IDNOTFOUND 4814 Identifier not found The recurrence identifier for the NotesCalendarEntry object does not identify an entry in the calendar, or the scope and recurid are missing for a recurring entry.


This method deals with meeting entries, not notices.


This button event declines a meeting.
var dbdir:NotesDbDirectory = session.getDbDirectory("");
var maildb:NotesDatabase = dbdir.openMailDatabase();
var cal:NotesCalendar = session.getCalendar(maildb);
var unid:string = sessionScope.unid;
var cale:NotesCalendarEntry = cal.getEntryByUNID(unid);
cale.decline("Can't make it", true);
requestScope.status = "Calendar entry for UNID " + unid + " declined\n";

LotusScript® syntax and examples

NotesCalendarEntry.Decline(Byval comments As String, Optional keepinformed As Boolean, Optional scope as Integer, Optional Byval recurid As String)

Java syntax and examples

void NotesCalendarEntry.decline(String comments)
void NotesCalendarEntry.decline(String comments, boolean keepinformed)
void NotesCalendarEntry.decline(String comments, boolean keepinformed, int scope, String recurid)