Examples: RemoveParticipants method

This form action removes participants from the embedded scheduling data.

%INCLUDE "lsconst.lss"
Sub Click(Source As Button)
  Dim ws As NotesUIWorkspace
  Dim uid As NotesUIDocument
  Dim uis As NotesUIScheduler
  Dim removeList() As String
  Dim n As Integer
  Set ws = New NotesUIWorkspace
  Set uid = ws.CurrentDocument
  Set uis = uid.GetSchedulerObject("Main")
  participants = uis.GetParticipants( _
  If Isempty(participants) Then Exit Sub
  n = 0
  Forall participant In participants
    If Messagebox("Do you want to remove this participant?", _
    participant) = IDYES Then
      Redim Preserve removeList(n)
      removeList(n) = participant
      n = n + 1
    End If
  End Forall
  Call uis.RemoveParticipants(removeList)
End Sub