Examples: Isinput property

This script checks whether the property named in the fieldname Propname is an input property.

This script comes from a Notes® form or view action. It executes because the Property Broker invokes it, on receiving a property change published by another component in a composite application. The script asks the Property Broker for the changed property, and displays the name and description of that property.

Note: This script will always display the same message, because the input property, including its name and description, are associated with the WSDL action defined in the Wiring Properties design element in this application. The component that published the property may be using a different name and description, but there is no way to retrieve that information.
Sub Click(Source As Button)
Dim s As New NotesSession
Dim workspace As New NotesUIWorkspace
If workspace.IsEmbeddedInsideWCT Then

  Dim pb As NotesPropertyBroker
  Set pb = s.GetPropertyBroker()
  Dim pbProperty As NotesProperty
  Dim PropertyName As String
  Dim PropertyIsInput As String
  Dim uidoc As NotesUIDocument
  Set uidoc = workspace.CurrentDocument

  PropertyName = uidoc.Propname(0)
  pbProperty = pb.GetPropertyValue(PropertyName)

  If pbProperty.Isinput Then
    PropertyIsInput = " is an input property"
    PropertyIsInput = " is NOT an input property"
  End If
  Messagebox PropertyName + PropertyIsInput, MB_OK, "Isinput"
  Messagebox "Wrong Configuration", MB_OK, "Basic Configuration"
End If
End Sub