Examples: InViewEdit event

  1. This InViewEdit event is for a view where all the editable columns are Text and are processed the same. The user edits a column entry. Your code validates the edited column entry (it cannot be an empty string). When the user clicks out of the editable column entry or tabs out of all the editable column entries for the row, your code writes the editable column entries in the ColProgName and ColumnValue arrays to the underlying document.
    Sub Inviewedit(Source As Notesuiview, Requesttype As Integer, Colprogname As Variant, Columnvalue As Variant, Continue As Variant)
    In this view, the programmatic name of each editable column
    is the same as the name of the field whose value it holds.
    All the fields for the editable columns are simple Text.
    Each editable column gets the same processing.
    %END REM
      REM Define constants for request types
      Const QUERY_REQUEST = 1
      Const VALIDATE_REQUEST = 2
      Const SAVE_REQUEST = 3
      Const NEWENTRY_REQUEST = 4
      REM Define variables
      Dim db As NotesDatabase
      Dim doc As NotesDocument
      Dim caret As String
      REM Get the CaretNoteID - exit if it does not point at a document
      caret = Source.CaretNoteID
      If caret = "0" Then Exit Sub
      REM Get the current database and document
      Set db = Source.View.Parent
      Set doc = db.GetDocumentByID(caret)
      REM Select the request type
      Select Case Requesttype
      REM Reserved - do not use in Release 6.0
      REM Cause validation error if user tries to exit column with no value
        If Fulltrim(Columnvalue(0)) = "" Then
          Messagebox "You must enter a value",, "No value in column"
          Continue = False
        End If
      REM Write the edited column view entries back to the document
        For i = 0 To Ubound(Colprogname) Step 1
          Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(Colprogname(i), Columnvalue(i))
        REM Save(force, createResponse, markRead)
        Call doc.Save(True, True, True)
      REM Create document and create "Form" item
      REM Write column values to the new document
        Set doc = New NotesDocument(db)
        Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("Form", "Main")
        For i = 0 To Ubound(Colprogname) Step 1
          Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(Colprogname(i), Columnvalue(i))
        REM Save(force, createResponse, markRead)
        Call doc.Save(True, True, True)
      End Select
    End Sub
  2. This InViewEdit event is for a view with two editable columns, one Text and one Numeric. The code must distinguish between the columns because the processing for each differs in some respects.
    Sub Inviewedit(Source As Notesuiview, Requesttype As Integer, Colprogname As Variant, Columnvalue As Variant, Continue As Variant)
    This view has two editable columns: one Text and one Numeric.
    The programmatic name of each editable column
    is the same as the name of the field whose value it holds,
    but the processing for each column is different.
    %END REM
      REM Define constants for request types
      Const QUERY_REQUEST = 1
      Const VALIDATE_REQUEST = 2
      Const SAVE_REQUEST = 3
      Const NEWENTRY_REQUEST = 4
      REM Define variables
      Dim db As NotesDatabase
      Dim doc As NotesDocument
      Dim caret As String
      REM Get the CaretNoteID - exit if it does not point at a document
      caret = Source.CaretNoteID
      If caret = "0" Then Exit Sub
      REM Get the current database and document
      Set db = Source.View.Parent
      Set doc = db.GetDocumentByID(caret)
      REM Select the request type
      Select Case Requesttype
      REM Reserved - do not use for Release 6.0
      REM Write message and cause validation error if ...
        Select Case Colprogname(0)
        Case "FieldText"
        REM ... user tries to exit text column with no value
          If Fulltrim(Columnvalue(0)) = "" Then
            Messagebox "You must enter a value",, "No value in column"
            Continue = False
          End If
        Case "FieldNumeric"
        REM ... value in numeric column is non-numeric or negative
          If Isnumeric(Columnvalue(0)) Then
            If Cint(Columnvalue(0)) < 0 Then
              Messagebox "Value must be greater than 0",, "Negative value"
              Continue = False
            End If
            Messagebox "Value must be numeric",, "Non-numeric value"
            Continue = False
          End If
        End Select
      REM Write the edited column view entries back to the document
        For i = 0 To Ubound(Colprogname) Step 1
          Select Case Colprogname(i)
          REM Write text entry back to document
          Case "FieldText"
            Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(Colprogname(i), Columnvalue(i))
          REM Write converted numeric entry back to document
          Case "FieldNumeric"
            Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(Colprogname(i), Cint(Columnvalue(i)))
          End Select
        REM Save(force, createResponse, markRead)
        Call doc.Save(True, True, True)
      REM Create document and create "Form" item
      REM Write column values to the new document
        Set doc = New NotesDocument(db)
        Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("Form", "Main")
        For i = 0 To Ubound(Colprogname) Step 1
          Select Case Colprogname(i)
          REM Write text entry  to document
          Case "FieldText"
            Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(Colprogname(i), Columnvalue(i))
          REM Write converted numeric entry to document
          Case "FieldNumeric"
            Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(Colprogname(i), Cint(Columnvalue(i)))
          End Select
        REM Save(force, createResponse, markRead)
        Call doc.Save(True, True, True)
      End Select
    End Sub
  3. This InViewEdit event is like the first example except that the programmatic names of the columns are not the same as the items associated with the column. Therefore, the code must examine each column and process the correct item.
    Sub Inviewedit(Source As Notesuiview, Requesttype As Integer, Colprogname As Variant, Columnvalue As Variant, Continue As Variant)
    In this view, all the fields for the editable columns are simple Text.
    Each editable column gets the same processing.
    But the programmatic names of the columns are not the same
    as the field names, so you have to case the names.
    %END REM
      REM Define constants for request types
      Const QUERY_REQUEST = 1
      Const VALIDATE_REQUEST = 2
      Const SAVE_REQUEST = 3
      Const NEWENTRY_REQUEST = 4
      REM Define variables
      Dim db As NotesDatabase
      Dim doc As NotesDocument
      Dim caret As String
      REM Get the CaretNoteID - exit if it does not point at a document
      caret = Source.CaretNoteID
      If caret = "0" Then Exit Sub
      REM Get the current database and document
      Set db = Source.View.Parent
      Set doc = db.GetDocumentByID(caret)
      REM Select the request type
      Select Case Requesttype
      REM Reserved - do not use in Release 6.0
      REM Cause validation error if user tries to exit column with no value
        If Fulltrim(Columnvalue(0)) = "" Then
          Messagebox "You must enter a value",, "No value in column"
          Continue = False
        End If
      REM Write the edited column view entry back to the document
        For i = 0 To Ubound(Colprogname) Step 1
          Select Case Colprogname(i)
          Case "ColumnOne"
            Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("FieldOne", Columnvalue(i))
          Case "ColumnTwo"
            Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("FieldTwo", Columnvalue(i))
          Case "ColumnThree"
            Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("FieldThree", Columnvalue(i))
          End Select
        REM Save(force, createResponse, markRead)
        Call doc.Save(True, True, True)
      REM Create document and create "Form" item
        Set doc = New NotesDocument(db)
        Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("Form", "Main")
        For i = 0 To Ubound(Colprogname) Step 1
          REM Write the edited column view entry back to the document
          Select Case Colprogname(i)
          Case "ColumnOne"
            Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("FieldOne", Columnvalue(i))
          Case "ColumnTwo"
            Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("FieldTwo", Columnvalue(i))
          Case "ColumnThree"
            Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("FieldThree", Columnvalue(i))
          End Select
        REM Save(force, createResponse, markRead)
        Call doc.Save(True, True, True)
      End Select
    End Sub
  4. This InViewEdit event is for a view with one editable column so only the first element of the ColProgName and ColumnValue arrays has to be processed. The column is for a list box field so the verification code forces the user to enter one of the values from the list box.
    Sub Inviewedit(Source As Notesuiview, Requesttype As Integer, Colprogname As Variant, Columnvalue As Variant, Continue As Variant)
    This view has one editable column, which is for a list box item.
    %END REM
      REM Define constants for request types
      Const QUERY_REQUEST = 1
      Const VALIDATE_REQUEST = 2
      Const SAVE_REQUEST = 3
      Const NEWENTRY_REQUEST = 4
      REM Define variables
      Dim db As NotesDatabase
      Dim doc As NotesDocument
      Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
      Dim caret As String
      REM Define allowed values for list  box
      Dim elements(4) As String
      elements(0) = "red"
      elements(1) = "green"
      elements(2) = "blue"
      elements(3) = "yellow"
      REM Get the CaretNoteID - exit if it does not point at a document
      caret = Source.CaretNoteID
      If caret = "0" Then Exit Sub
      REM Get the current database and document
      Set db = Source.View.Parent
      Set doc = db.GetDocumentByID(caret)
      REM Select the request type
      Select Case Requesttype
      REM Reserved - do not use for Release 6.0
      REM Cause validation error if user tries to exit column with no value
        If Fulltrim(Columnvalue(0)) = "" Then
          Messagebox "You must enter a value",, "No value in column"
          Continue = False
        End If
      REM Or enters a value that is not in the list box
        Dim flag As Boolean
        flag = False
        Forall element In elements
          If Lcase(element) = Lcase(Columnvalue(0)) Then
            flag = True
            Exit Forall
          End If
        End Forall
        If Not flag Then
          Dim msg As String
          Forall element In elements
            msg = msg & element & Chr(10)
          End Forall
          Messagebox msg,, "Value must be one of the following"
          continue = False
        End If
      REM Write the edited column view entry back to the document
        Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(Colprogname(0), Columnvalue(0))
        REM Save(force, createResponse, markRead)
        Call doc.Save(True, True, True)
      REM Create document and create "Form" item
      REM Write column value to the new document
        Set doc = New NotesDocument(db)
        Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("Form", "Main")
        Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(Colprogname(0), Columnvalue(0))
        REM Save(force, createResponse, markRead)
        Call doc.Save(True, True, True)
      End Select
    End Sub
  5. This InViewEdit event is for a view with one editable column that represents its value as an icon. The code processes the field by writing one of two values to the document represented by the row. This has the effect of toggling two icons.
    Sub Inviewedit(Source As Notesuiview, Requesttype As Integer, Colprogname As Variant, Columnvalue As Variant, Continue As Variant)
    This view has one editable column, which is for a list box item.
    %END REM
      REM Define constants for request types
      Const QUERY_REQUEST = 1
      Const VALIDATE_REQUEST = 2
      Const SAVE_REQUEST = 3
      Const NEWENTRY_REQUEST = 4
      REM Define variables
      Dim db As NotesDatabase
      Dim doc As NotesDocument
      Dim ws As New NotesUIWorkspace
      Dim caret As String
      REM Get the CaretNoteID - exit if it does not point at a document
      caret = Source.CaretNoteID
      If caret = "0" Then Exit Sub
      REM Get the current database and document
      Set db = Source.View.Parent
      Set doc = db.GetDocumentByID(caret)
      REM Select the request type
      Select Case Requesttype
      REM Reserved - do not use for Release 6.0
      REM Not used for icon columns
      REM Toggle value and write back to the document
        If doc.GetItemValue(Colprogname(0))(0) = "OK" Then
          Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(Colprogname(0), "NotOK")
          Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(Colprogname(0), "OK")
        End If
        REM Save(force, createResponse, markRead)
        Call doc.Save(True, True, True)
      REM Create document and create "Form" item
      REM Write column value to the new document
        Set doc = New NotesDocument(db)
        Call doc.ReplaceItemValue("Form", "Main")
        Call doc.ReplaceItemValue(Colprogname(0), "OK")
        REM Save(force, createResponse, markRead)
        Call doc.Save(True, True, True)
      End Select
    End Sub