Examples: AppendToTextList method

  1. This script appends the text value "Shocks" to the Categories item in a document. For example, if the Categories item contains the values "Clocks" and "Blocks" before the script runs, it contains the values "Clocks," "Blocks," and "Shocks" after the script runs.
    Dim doc As NotesDocument
    Dim item As NotesItem
    ' ...set value of doc...
    Set item = doc.GetFirstItem( "Categories" )
    Call item.AppendToTextList( "Shocks" )
    Call doc.Save( False, True )
  2. This script appends three new text values to the Categories item in a document: "Girls," "Boys," and "Toys."
    Dim doc As NotesDocument
    Dim item As NotesItem
    Dim newVals( 1 To 3 ) As String
    '...set value of doc...
    Set item = doc.GetFirstItem( "Categories" )
    newVals( 1 ) = "Girls"
    newVals( 2 ) = "Boys"
    newVals( 3 ) = "Toys"
    Call item.AppendToTextList( newVals )
    Call doc.Save( False, True )
  3. This script copies all of the Categories values from document A onto document B. For example, if the Categories item on document A contains "Tool" and "Weapon" and the Categories item on document B contains "Technology," then after the script runs the Categories item on document B contains three values: "Tool," "Weapon," and "Technology." Document A is unchanged.
    Dim docA As NotesDocument
    Dim docB As NotesDocument
    Dim item As NotesItem
    '...set values of docA and docB...
    Set item = docB.GetFirstItem( "Categories" )
    Call item.AppendToTextList( docA.Categories )
    Call docB.Save( False, True )