Considerations When Working with the Lotus® Connector for Sybase

This section describes several important considerations for using the Lotus® Connector for Sybase.


A Sybase SQL Server table that is the destination for a Replication activity must have a unique index. Submit the following command through SQL or another Sybase front end to create the index before attempting the Replication:

create unique index <indexname> on <tablename> (<col1>, <col2>,..., <colN>)

Note that you can use just one column or many columns, but for efficient replication, the replication keys should be included in the index.

To remove an index, use the command:

drop index <tablename>.<indexname>

When doing Timestamp Replication using the LEI Replication activity, a Sybase timestamp type column (an internal type) cannot be used as the timestamp. It must be a datetime or smalldatetime type.

Data Insert

In activities that insert data into a Sybase table, performance improves if the target table does not contain columns of type Text or Image. If the target is automatically created by Lotus Enterprise Integrator® (LEI) to contain these types, and the columns do not have to be Text or Image, set the Connection option Truncate Text/Image to Char/Binary to Always Truncate.

Troubleshooting and Supported Versions

When connecting to Sybase, the error "Invalid Connection" may result from an unsupported Sybase client/server version configuration. You can verify that the Sybase client and server versions are supported in the Connectivity chapter of this manual.

Notes® NUMBER Fields

There is a limitation on how Lotus® Connectors interpret a Notes® NUMBER field. When you use the "Create Target Metadata" option from a Notes® source, heavy precision loss may occur with Notes® NUMBER fields.