Uninstalling Viewer Application

Silently uninstall the Viewer Application.

About this task

To perform a silent uninstallation, complete the following steps:


For a single server or a File Viewer cluster, complete the following steps from the location that you did the original installation from (either the Deployment Manager node or one of the File Viewer nodes):
  1. Log in to the system where you installed File Viewer, with the user who runs the server or cluster node process.
  2. Open a command prompt and change to the viewer_install_root(for example, /opt/IBM/IBMViewer)/installer directory.
  3. Run the uninstallation script ./uninstall.sh for Linux™ and ./uninstall.bat for Windows™.
Note: You can set options for the uninstallation scripts:
  • -wasadminID {name}: Specifies the user name of WebSphere® Application Server administrator. Prompts the user to enter the name during uninstallation if it is not specified.
  • -wasadminPW {password}: Specifies the password of WebSphere Application Server administrator. Prompts the user to enter the password during uninstallation if it is not specified.


When you finish uninstalling, check the viewerUninstall.log file for errors, and repeat this task if necessary. The log file is in the viewer_install_root(for example, /opt/IBM/IBMViewer)/logs directory.