Installing Editor Proxy Filter

The Editor Proxy can be installed either from the Deployment Manager or from one of the HCL Docs Proxy server nodes.

Extract the installation files

Note: This procedure assumes you have extracted the HCL Docs packages as stated in the topic "Installing the HCL Docs components." If you extracted the packages into another directory, update the steps accordingly.
  1. Log in to the server that will host the HCL Docs Proxy server or the Deployment Manager with an administrative account.
  2. Change to the directory to which the HCL Docs components were extracted.
    • Linux: cd /opt/install/Docs/Docs
    • Windows: cd C:\install\Docs\Docs
  3. Extract the file.
    • Linux: unzip -d /opt/install/Docs/DocsProxyFilter native/
    • Windows: Extract native\ into C:\install\Docs\DocsProxyFilter.
  4. For Linux, go to the directory /opt/install/Docs/DocsProxyFilter/installer/, and set the permissions of the *.sh (shell scripts) using chmod 755 *.sh.

Configure the file

  1. Open the following file in a text editor.

    /opt/install/Docs/DocsProxyFilter/installer/ (Linux)

    C:\install\Docs\DocsProxyFilter\installer\ (Windows)

  2. Modify the following parameters in the file. An example is provided in the table.
    Note: You can review the file parameter description within the file for each of these fields. The values in the table are for typical deployments. For other types of configurations, for example, if you are setting up a server instead of a cluster, review the other options in the files.
    Table 1. File propertiesThis table provides suggested default values pertaining to file configuration.

    Field Value
    docs_install_root /opt/IBM/IBMDocs
    was_proxy_profile_root The path of WebSphere Application Server profile used on this server, for example, /opt/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/AppSrv01
    was_soap_port 8879
    was_ipc_port <Leave as Blank>
    scope Cluster
    proxy_scope_name IBMDocsProxyCluster
    proxy_node_name <Leave as Blank since using Cluster>
    docs_context_root /docs
  3. Save the file and close the editor.

Run the installer

  1. Open a terminal window under the root account.
  2. Navigate to the directory:
    • /opt/install/Docs/DocsProxyFilter/installer (Linux)
    • C:\install\Docs\DocsProxyFilter\installer (Windows)
  3. Run the following command:
    • ./ (Linux)
    • install.bat (Windows)
  4. A License agreement is displayed. If you accept the agreement, press the "a" key and then press Enter.
  5. When prompted, enter your WebSphere® Application Server credentials.
    Table 2. WebSphere® Application Server credentialsThis table provides suggested default values for WebSphere® Application Server credentials.

    Field Value
    WAS Administrative Username WASADMIN_USERNAME, for example, wasadmin
    WAS Administrator password WASADMIN_PASSWORD, for example, password
  6. When the installation is finished, the command prompt is displayed. If an error occurred with the install process, the configuration is reverted. Correct the error and try again.


When the installation is finished, check the proxy_install.log file for errors and repeat this task if necessary. The log file is in the proxy installation root directory.