Opening a document in third-party integrations

In third-party integrations, you can open a document in HCL Docs by the editor application API.

Table 1. Editor Application API

This table provides reference information for the Editor Application API to open a document

Method URI Description Parameters or variables
GET /docs/driverscallback This URI should be called by to open the document in HCL Docs.

repository: Values are cmis and rest

file_id: The value is a document ID

oauth_code (optional): The value is OAuth2 code obtained from the OAuth2 server

GET /docs/app/doc/${file_id}/edit/content This URI should be called by to open the document in HCL Docs and the URI can be used as the value of HTML iframe src attribute to render the document in HTML iframe.

repository: Value is rest

file_id: The value is a document ID


  • GET /docs/driverscallback?repository=cmis&file_id=a_file_id&code=oauth_code  
    GET /docs/driverscallback?repository=rest&file_id=a_file_id&code=oauth_code

    Output: The file with file_id will be opened in HCL Docs.

  • GET /docs/app/doc/

    Output: The file with file_id will be opened in HCL Docs.

  • When the URI is used in HTML iframe, example is:
    < iframe src="" 
    width="600" height="400" scrolling="yes" frameborder="0">
    </iframe >