Enabling document status notification API

Through this REST API, a notification about whether the document is being edited or closed will be posted to the 3rd party repository. It is only available in HCL Docs 2.0 CR3 and later fixes.


To enable the notification API, add a notification url in the repository section of concord-config.json.
"id" : "rest",
"class" : "com.ibm.docs.repository.external.rest.ExternalRestRepository",
"config" :
"notification_url" : "",
"s2s_method" : "oauth2",
"customer_id" : "box.com",
"bypass_sso" : "true",
"oauth2_endpoint" : "https://app.box.com/api/oauth2/token",
"oauth2_authorize_endpoint": "https://account.box.com/api/oauth2/authorize",
"j2c_alias" : "",
"s2s_token" : "",
"token_key" : "",
"onbehalf_header" : "",                               
"media_meta_url" : "https://api.box.com/2.0/files/{ID}",
"media_get_url" : "https://api.box.com/2.0/files/{ID}/content",
"media_set_url" : "https://upload.box.com/api/2.0/files/{ID}/content",
"docs_callback_endpoint" : "https://box.cn.ibm.com:9443/docs/driverscallback",
"repository_home" : "https://www.ibm.com",
"repository_name" :"Box",
"repo_type": "external.rest"
The notification message will be posted to the notification url when the editing session is opened or closed. And the message will be in the following json format: