Upgrading HCL Docs 1.0.7 to 2.0

To upgrade HCL Docs 1.0.7 to 2.0, run the installer.

About this task

Make sure you upgrade databases when upgrading to 2.0 following instructions in Upgrading the database.


  1. Download the DOCS_INSTALLPKG_FILENAME.zip file, for example, CNNCTNS_DOCS_2.0.0_WINLNX_ML.zip, from IBM Passport Advantage. Extract the file to the directory on the federated node where you have run the installer to install HCL Docs.
  2. When IBM Installation Manager is running, click Files > Preferences, add the new repository configuration file for HCL Docs, and click OK.
  3. Click Update and in the Update Packages window, select the package for HCL Docs and click Next.
  4. Review and accept the license agreement by clicking I accept the terms in the license agreements. Click Next.
  5. Keep unchanged the selections for the products integration and components, and then click Next.
    Select the features to install panel
  6. Enter the details of your WebSphere Information:
    1. Enter the properties of the WebSphere Application Server Deployment Manager:

      Administrator ID

      The administrative ID of the Deployment Manager.

      Administrator Password

      The password for the administrative user of the Deployment Manager.

    2. Enter the path of the WebSphere Application Server profile that is federated into the Deployment Manager.
    3. Click Validate to verify the Deployment Manager information that you entered. If the verification fails, IBM Installation Manager displays an error message.
    4. When the verification test is successful, click Next.
      wepsphere panel
  7. Select the web server node, and click Validate. When the verification test is successful, click Next.
  8. Configure server enrollment for each HCL Docs component.
    Ensure the password is correct and then click Validate. When the validation is successful, click Next.
    upgrade 4
  9. In the Database Server panel, ensure the password for the database is correct, and then click Next.
  10. In the Shared Storage panel, enter the client mount point for the Editor Application data share directory on Viewer Server, for example, /opt/IBM/docs_data. For the other fields, keep the values unchanged and click Next.
  11. Select whether to restart web server and Connections. If you select No, you must manually restart web server and Connections later. Click Next.
  12. In the Configurations Generation panel, it lists all the cfg.properties and cfg.node.properties files for upgrading. Click Next.
  13. Click Update.
    • If HCL Docs 1.0.7 is configured with TAM (Tivoli Access Manager) setting, after migration, you must re-configure TAM manually.
    • After upgrading from 1.0.7 to 2.0, the Task Scheduler kill_timeout and sym_monitor are changed to incorrect status. Reset it manually. Refer to Configuring the Windows task scheduler for the Conversion server for detailed instructions.