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Create or edit a reusable block

Learn how to create or edit a reusable block on your site and its pages in HCL Design Studio (Beta).

Create a new reusable block

Content containers with WCM Content Items are automatically created as reusable blocks and are automatically added in the Reusables panel as shown below:

Reusable blocks panel

You can create a reusable block as if you are creating a new content container for your page.

  1. To create a new content container, follow the steps in Add a content item to a Design Studio (Beta).
  2. Access the newly-created reusable block in Page editor view, then open the Reusable blocks panel as shown below:

Access new Reusable Block

Edit an existing reusable block

To edit an existing reusable block, follow the steps in Edit a content item in a Design Studio (Beta).


Make sure the name of your reusable block is unique and identifiable for you to be able to quickly locate it from the list.

Last update: June 15, 2022