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HAProxy configuration

By default, HAProxy is deployed with a LoadBalancer type service to handle the incoming traffic as well as the SSL offloading for HCL Digital Experience. In addition, the Helm deployment offers adjustability for HAProxy and its services to allow for more flexible deployment and use of custom Ingress Controllers.


When migrating from Ambassador, the default configuration of HAProxy matches the default configuration of Ambassador as close as possible.

Any changes made to scaling, resources, horizontalPodAutoScaler, annotations or labels must be transferred to the appropriate configurations for HAProxy manually.

Networking configuration

The networking parameters used to configure the HAProxy services are located in networking.haproxy in the values.yaml file.

Parameter Description Default value
ssl Enable or disable SSL offloading in HAProxy. Depending on this setting, HAProxy handles either HTTP or HTTPS traffic. true
serviceType Defines the Kubernetes ServiceType of the HAProxy service. Supported ServiceType includes LoadBalancer, ClusterIP and NodePort LoadBalancer
servicePort This value is used to select the port exposed by the HAProxy service. Defaults to port 443 if ssl is set to true, otherwise, port 80 is used. null
serviceNodePort This value is used to select the node port exposed by the HAProxy service. Defaults to a port selected by Kubernetes if no value is set. null


If ssl is set to true, HAProxy will use the certificate that is supplied as a secret in networking.tlsCertSecret.

  # Networking configurations specific to HAProxy
    # Configuration to enable/disable ssl offloading in HAProxy
    ssl: true
    # Configuration to set the service type for the HAProxy service. Supported values are "ClusterIP", "LoadBalancer", and "NodePort"
    serviceType: "LoadBalancer"
    # Configuration to set the port exposed by the HAProxy Service. If this is not set, port 80 is used if SSL offloading is disabled and port 443 if SSL offloading is enabled.
    # Only applies for the "NodePort" serviceType. Configuration to set the NodePort exposed by the HAProxy service. If this is not set, a port is automatically selected by Kubernetes

This configuration is helpful for those who want to use a custom Ingress Controller to expose the service in a compatible way. Even then, HAProxy will still be active. The Ingress Controller will handle the incoming traffic and then route them to the HAProxy service.

HAProxy with and without Ambassador

In Container Update CF203, Ambassador is still included along with the new HAProxy service so that you can get familiar with the HAProxy service, use the following configuration options to test both the services side-by-side, and prepare to eventually disable Ambassador and migrate to the HAProxy service. Note that the Ambassador service will be removed in a future version.

Both Ambassador and HAProxy can be enabled or disabled in the applications section of the Helm values. Depending on the combination of settings, HAProxy is deployed by itself or in a side-by-side mode with Ambassador. The side-by-side mode is mainly used for migration from Ambassador to HAProxy service. Refer to the Migrate from Ambassador to HAProxy page for migration information.

# Controls which application is deployed and configured
  # Deploys the Ambassador Ingress and Redis
  ambassador: true
  # Deploys HAProxy
  haproxy: true

The matrix below shows the deployment options for combinations of HAProxy and Ambassador:

Deployment type ambassador haproxy Result
fresh deployment (helm install) not available true (default) HAProxy
update of existing deployment (helm upgrade) true (default) true (default) Ambassador and HAProxy (side-by-side mode)
update of existing deployment (helm upgrade) false true (default) HAProxy


Three replicas of the HAProxy Pod are created by default, and this value can be adjusted in the custom-values.yaml file for the Helm deployment.

  # The default number of replicas per application
    haproxy: 3 # Change this value as per the number of replicas required for HAProxy.


HAProxy is set to use the following resource allocation values by default. The values can be adjusted as required in the custom-values.yaml file for the Helm deployment.

  # HAProxy resource allocation
      cpu: "1000m"
      memory: "1G"
      cpu: "2000m"
      memory: "4G"

Last update: May 3, 2022