Interface MemoryMenuService

All Superinterfaces:

Deprecated. since 6.0. Support of the IBM portlet API may be removed in a future release of WebSphere Portal. Use of the Java Portlet API (javax.portlet) is recommended instead.

public interface MemoryMenuService
extends org.apache.jetspeed.portlet.service.PortletService

MemoryMenuService is a portlet service that allows the creation of a dynamic out-of-the-box portlet menu implementation that greatly facilitates the implementation of the MenuProvider interface. This service creates an In-Memory tree that either has only one unnamed root node or incorporates an existing tree model, which can be both static or dynamic.

A menu tree instance that is created by the MemoryMenuService also exposes the following controller interfaces: MenuTreeInfoCtrl, MenuTreeInfoCopyCtrl, MenuTreeTopologyCtrl and MemoryMenuTreeTopologyCtrl.

The following code shows how MenuProvider.getMenu( can be implemented to return a MenuTree using MemoryMenuService.

 public MenuTree getMenu(MenuContext menuContext) throws PortletException
     // get service
     MemoryMenuService service=null;
         service = (MemoryMenuService) portletContext.getService(MemoryMenuService.class);
     catch ( PortletServiceUnavailableException e )
         throw new PortletException ("MemoryMenuTreePortlet: Exception: MemoryMenuService is unavailable");
     catch ( PortletServiceNotFoundException e )
         throw new PortletException ("MemoryMenuTreePortlet: Exception: MemoryMenuService has not been found");
     // get tree
         menuTree = service.getMenuTree("myRootId", contextOnLocalThread);
     catch ( MenuTreeException mte )
         throw new PortletException ("MemoryMenuTreePortlet: Exception getting menu tree from service");
     return (menuTree);


Method Summary
 MenuTree getMenuTree(MenuTree parent, MenuContext menuContext)
          Deprecated. Creates an in-memory copy of the portlet menu tree represented by parent.
 MenuTree getMenuTree(java.lang.String rootID, MenuContext menuContext)
          Deprecated. Creates an empty in-memory tree with just one unnamed root element and identifier rootID.

Method Detail


MenuTree getMenuTree(java.lang.String rootID,
                     MenuContext menuContext)
                     throws MenuTreeException
Creates an empty in-memory tree with just one unnamed root element and identifier rootID. Use the MenuTreeTopologyCtrl and MenuTreeInfoCtrl to fill the tree with information.

rootID - identifier of the root element
menuContext - context to get access to the current PortletRequest and PortletResponse.
in-memory menu tree
MenuTreeException - if the tree cannot be created


MenuTree getMenuTree(MenuTree parent,
                     MenuContext menuContext)
                     throws MenuTreeException
Creates an in-memory copy of the portlet menu tree represented by parent. If the parent tree topology contains cycles, e.g., a child node is parent of its grand-parent, the nodes are only copied once.

parent - menu tree to copy
menuContext - context to get access PortletRequest and PortletResponse
in-memory tree that represents a copy of the original tree
MenuTreeException - if the tree cannot be created
See Also: