Interface JsonDocumentContentHandler

All Superinterfaces:

public interface JsonDocumentContentHandler
extends JsonContentHandler

Implementation of a JsonContentHandler that builds a document graph out of a sequence of JSON callbacks. Use only in emergency situations and consider to handle the JSON content as a stream instead.


Method Summary
 java.lang.Object getDocument()
          The JSON document, either of type Map or of type List, depending on the top level JSON element.
Methods inherited from interface
endArray, endBoolean, endDocument, endMember, endNull, endNumber, endObject, endString, startArray, startBoolean, startDocument, startMember, startNull, startNumber, startObject, startString, value, value, value, value

Method Detail


java.lang.Object getDocument()
The JSON document, either of type Map or of type List, depending on the top level JSON element. If the object is of type Map then the keys in the map are of type String.

the JSON document or null if no document exists
See Also:
to easily access the content, to convert the document into a JSON event stream