Interface UrlResourceServiceConstants

All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface UrlResourceServiceConstants

Defines an interface for the definitions of commonly used constants within the Command API packages


Nested Class Summary
static class UrlResourceServiceConstants.ScopeAllConstant
          Implementation of the constant SCOPE_ALL
static class UrlResourceServiceConstants.ScopeCellConstant
          Implementation of the constant SCOPE_CELL
static interface UrlResourceServiceConstants.ScopeConstants
          Base interface to flag a constant that relates to scope.
static class UrlResourceServiceConstants.ScopeNodeConstant
          Implementation of the constant SCOPE_NODE
static class UrlResourceServiceConstants.ScopeServerConstant
          Implementation of the constant SCOPE_SERVER
Field Summary
static UrlResourceServiceConstants.ScopeAllConstant SCOPE_ALL
          SCOPE_ALL sets the scope of the operation to the entire configuration repository.
static UrlResourceServiceConstants.ScopeCellConstant SCOPE_CELL
          SCOPE_CELL sets the scope of the operation to the cell.
static UrlResourceServiceConstants.ScopeNodeConstant SCOPE_NODE
          SCOPE_NODE sets the scope of the operation to the local node where this Portal Server instance is running.
static UrlResourceServiceConstants.ScopeServerConstant SCOPE_SERVER
          SCOPE_SERVER sets the scope of the operation to the local Portal Server instance.

Field Detail


static final UrlResourceServiceConstants.ScopeAllConstant SCOPE_ALL
SCOPE_ALL sets the scope of the operation to the entire configuration repository. Use this value if you are not sure in what scope a URL Resource exists.


static final UrlResourceServiceConstants.ScopeCellConstant SCOPE_CELL
SCOPE_CELL sets the scope of the operation to the cell. All servers and applications running within the same managed cell will have access to URL Resources at this scope. New URL Resources should use this scope to provide greatest range of visibility.


static final UrlResourceServiceConstants.ScopeNodeConstant SCOPE_NODE
SCOPE_NODE sets the scope of the operation to the local node where this Portal Server instance is running. All servers and applications running within the same local node will have access to URL Resources at this scope. Note that is it not possible to specify a different node other than the local node as the scope for URL Resources.


static final UrlResourceServiceConstants.ScopeServerConstant SCOPE_SERVER
SCOPE_SERVER sets the scope of the operation to the local Portal Server instance. All applications running within the local application server will have access to URL Resources at this scope. Note that is it not possible to specify a different server other than the local Portal Server instance as the scope for URL Resources.