Interface Exportable

public interface Exportable

Vault Adapter Extension that enables export of credentials. The method in this interface are used by the Credential Vault component to export all stored credentials for a given resource. If a custom implementation of VaultAdapter also implements this interface, credentials managed by this vault adapter will be included in credential export. As credential import uses methods already available in VaultAdapter, no special code is needed for credential import.

See Also:
This interface is designed to be implemented by clients.

Method Summary
 java.util.List<CredentialDataEntry> listCredentials(java.lang.String resourceName)
          This method is called during the credential export.

Method Detail


java.util.List<CredentialDataEntry> listCredentials(java.lang.String resourceName)
                                                    throws CredentialVaultException
This method is called during the credential export. It retrieves all stored credentials for a given resource. The result is a list of CredentialDataEntry objects that hold the credential information. The secret inside of those objects can be of any supported SecretType. So the calling code has to make sure to support those.

resourceName - Resource name to export credentials for
a List of CredentialDataEntry objects holding the export data
CredentialVaultException - Problem communicating with the back-end vault or the credentials could not be retrieved