Interface PayloadToContextMapper

public interface PayloadToContextMapper

Interface to map the payload of an Event to a DCXData.

         <transition-endpoint nameref="ThirdPartyFlight"/>
         <event qname="e1" mapper-class="sample.custom.MyMapper" dcx-key="storage.key"/>
         <event qname="e2"/>
         <transition-endpoint nameref="Hotel"/>



Method Summary
 void payloadToContext(javax.xml.namespace.QName dcxKey, java.lang.Object payload, DCXData dcxData)
          Handles a event payload and stores it in the dcxData.

Method Detail


void payloadToContext(javax.xml.namespace.QName dcxKey,
                      java.lang.Object payload,
                      DCXData dcxData)
Handles a event payload and stores it in the dcxData. The mapper might just store the payload as is or do any kind of transformation before storing.

dcxKey - Key to use for storing the payload. This QName is either defined in the dialog definition or is the QName of the event that delivered the payload.
payload - The payload delivered by an event. Might be null.
dcxData - The storage data for the current dialog instance.