
This package and its subpackages define the portal programming model.


Interface Summary
ActiveFlag An interface providing the active flag.
AggregatedMetaDataLocator This interface provides a locator for meta data which is composed of more than one meta data instance.
Committable An interface to commit modifications.
CommittableListModelController<T,M extends Modifiable> An interface to describe a ListModelController that can be committed.
CommittableTreeModelController<T,M extends Modifiable> An interface to describe a TreeModelController that can be committed.
Controller Tagging interface for controllers.
Countable Optional interface for collection-like models that want to expose the number of elements stored.
CreationContext A tagging interface for creation contexts which can be used on ModelController.create(Class, CreationContext).
DatabaseDomainConstants This interface provides constants to identify database domains
Disposable An object implementing this interface indicates that it is advantageous to signal to the object that it will not longer be accessed.
Identifiable Interface for any resource in the portal that can be identified by an ObjectID.
IdentifiableCreationContext A node creation context which specifies the object ID of the resource to be created.
Invalidatable The Invalidatable interface is used on models to provide a way to invalidate all or parts of the model.
InvalidatableListModel<T> A list model providing a way to get invalidated.
InvalidatableTreeModel<E> A tree model providing a way to get invalidated.
IterableListModel<E> A model representing a list.
ListModel<E> A model representing a list.
ListModelController<T,M extends Modifiable> This interface provides a controller for list models which allows updating a model.
Localized Interface providing methods to obtain title and description of a portal resource.
LocalizedStatus Interface that can be used to communicate status code information via exceptions.
Locator<E> This interface defines search methods that allow locating resources in a model.
LocatorProvider<E> An interface providing a way to obtain a set of search methods.
MetaData<V,E extends Map.Entry<java.lang.String,V>> An interface describing meta data associated with a portal resource.
MetaDataLocator<V,E> Interface to locate a resource by meta data information.
MetaDataModel A model for accessing MetaData of model nodes.
MetaDataNameLocator A locator for the meta data names list model that can be used to determine if a specific key is present.
MetaDataProvider<V,E extends Map.Entry<java.lang.String,V>> An interface describing a method to obtain meta data for a resource.
ModelController<T,M extends Modifiable> This interface provides a controller for models.
Modifiable Tagging interface representing a modifiable node of a model controller.
ModifiableActiveFlag An interface representing a modifiable active flag instance.
ModifiableIdentifiable An interface which provides the modifiable object ID of a resource.
ModifiableLocalized An interface representing a modifiable localized instance.
ModifiableMetaData<V,E extends Map.Entry<java.lang.String,V>> An interface representing modifiable meta data.
ModifiableMetaDataProvider<V,E extends Map.Entry<java.lang.String,V>> An interface for providing an ModifiableMetaData.
ModifiableObjectID An interface representing a modifiable object id instance.
ObjectID Represents a unique identifier for a resource in Portal.
ObjectID.Deserializer Reads ObjectIDs.
ObjectID.Serializer Writes ObjectIDs.
ObjectType This interface models the individual object types used in Portal.
OrderedListModelController<T,M extends Modifiable> A controller for list models that expose their elements in an ordered way.
OutboundGraph<T> Graph that describes the outbound edges for a node.
PagedIterator<E> An iterator that provides paging support for data provided by it.
PagedListModel<E> A list model that is capable of providing a paged iterator.
PortalEvents Provides constants for predefined portal-specific events.
PortalPublicRenderParameters Defines the local and global names of the supported portal-specific portal render parameters.
SearchableIterableListModel<E> A model representing a list.
SearchableListModel<T> A list model on whose elements can be searched with the Locator mechanism.
SearchableListModelController<T,M extends Modifiable> This interface provides a controller for searchable list models.
SearchableTreeModel<E> A tree model on whose elements can be searched with the Locator mechanism.
SearchableTreeModelController<T,M extends Modifiable> This interface provides a controller for searchable tree models.
SortedLocalized<T extends Localized> Representation of a sorted set of Localized objects.
SortedLocalizedListModel<T extends Localized> Representation of a sorted set of Localized objects that are sorted with a locale specific comparator.
TimeStamped Model interface for specific date access properties: This is information such as the creation date or the last modification date of a resource.
TimeStampedResourceLocator<E> A locator to find resources that provide time stamped information.
TreeModel<E> This interface provides a generic tree model.
TreeModelController<T,M extends Modifiable> This interface provides a controller for tree models which allows updating a model.
UniqueNameLocator<E> Locator that allows to search nodes by their unique name pattern.
URL This interface defines a portal URL.

Class Summary
InvalidationType This class enumerates different types of invalidations.

Enum Summary
ObjectTypeConstants This class provides static references to well known object type instances.
Their type is ObjectType.

Exception Summary
DataException Occurs when anything unexpected happened during access to data backend components.
ModelException Occurs when anything unexpected happened while using model API related functions.
ObjectNotFoundException This exception is thrown if an object has been requested and is not found, or the user does not have permissions to access the object.

Package Description

This package and its subpackages define the portal programming model.

Package Specification

The interfaces and classes contained in this package are the starting points for the programming model.

Models and model access

Portal models are either specializations of ListModel or of TreeModel. These two interfaces describe the generic characteristics of the models. The following specialized models are available:

Models can be searched if they implement the LocatorProvider interface. This is reflected through the interfaces SearchableListModel and SearchableTreeModel on a generic level. The generic Locator returned by the provider interface can look up resources in a model; a model may provide more specialized locators that can be used for further model-specific tasks.

The portal models can be obtained through JNDI lookups. This is described in For portlets, models can be obtained through portlet services defined in (for JSR 168 portlets) and


Most portal resources carry an identifier. This identifier is defined with the interface Identifiable which allows retrieving the ID of a resource. This ID is called object ID and uniquely identifies an element in a portal installation - and beyond (the ID is also called GUID - globally unique ID). An ObjectID can also have a unique name (a name that can only exist once per portal installation) assigned to it.
The interface Identification provides methods to convert object ID objects to strings and vice versa.

A widespread interface on resources is Localized. This interface provides localized information about a resource like title and description. For displaying purposes, the LocalizedStringResolver provides convenience methods to obtain title or description from a "localized" resource.