
This package contains exceptions that may be thrown by the accessors.


Exception Summary
AliasNameNotFoundException Thrown when an invalid alias name is provided that cannot be resolved.
CannotInsertSelectionNodeException Exception representing the error case that a certain ObjectID cannot be registered as a selected node via the SelectionAccessorController.
CannotModifySelectionException Exception representing the error case that the selection information cannot be modified via the SelectionAccessorController.
CannotRetrieveResourceUrlAccessorException Exception representing the error case that the ResourceUrlAccessor (serving as a factory for resource URLs) cannot be obtained.
IconNotFoundException Exception thrown when the icon was not found.
InvalidNavigationNodeIdException Exception which is supposed to be thrown when detecting an invalid identifier of a navigation node.
InvalidPortletIdException Exception which is supposed to be thrown within any SoloAccessor implementation that is not able to convert the String representing a portlet identifier into a corresponding ObjectID.
InvalidPortletModeException Exception which should be thrown in case that a String representing a portlet mode cannot be converted to a PortletMode object.
InvalidResourceTypeException Exception which should be thrown in case that a resource type is considered to be invalid.
InvalidSelectionException Exception which should be thrown in case that a SoloAccessor considers the selection information in the state holder as invalid.
InvalidSelectionNodeIdException Exception which should be thrown when detecting an invalid identifier of a selected node.
InvalidShowToolsFlagException Exception which should be thrown when detecting an invalid Show Tools flag.
InvalidSoloFlagException Exception which should be thrown when detecting an invalid Solo flag.
InvalidWindowStateException Exception which should be thrown in case that a String representing a portlet window state cannot be converted to a WindowState object.
MissingSelectionException Exception representing the error case that the selection accessor cannot find any selection information in the state holder.
MissingSharedStateIdException Exception representing the error case that a shared state id was null.
MissingUniqueNameException Exception representing the error case that a unique name was null.
NavigationShiftAccessorException Exception which should be thrown in case of errors when accessing navigation shift information via a NavigationShiftAccessor.
PortletAccessorException Base exception representing errors occuring in a PortletAccessor implementation.
ResourceNotFoundException Exception which sould be thrown if a resouce was not found.
ResourceUrlException Base exception related to resource URL handling.
SelectionAccessorException Exception which should be thrown in case of errors when accessing selection information via a SelectionAccessor.
SelectionMappingInvalidException Exception which should be thrown in case that a given ObjectID of a navigation node cannot be mapped to a target ObjectID.
SharedStateIdException Exception which should be thrown in case that an invalid shared state id has been detected.
ShowToolsAccessorException Exception which should be thrown in case of errors when accessing Show Tools information via a ShowToolsAccessor.
SoloAccessorException Exception which should be Thrown in case of errors when accessing Solo information via a SoloAccessor.
StateAccessorException Exception which should be thrown within StateAccessor implementations being not able to retrieve the StateHolder from the current request.
StateAttributeNotInRequestException Exception representing the error that the attribute storing the StateHolder in the request cannot be found.
StateNotInRequestException Exception representing the error case that the the StateHolder cannot be found in the request.
StateNotWriteableException Exception representing the error case that a write interface to state was requested though being in a request processing phase in which no state modifications are allowed.
UniqueNameException Exception which should be thrown in case that an invalid unique name has been detected.
UnknownUniqueNameException Exception which should be thrown in case that an unknown unique name has been detected.

Package Description

This package contains exceptions that may be thrown by the accessors.

Package Specification

Exception thrown by the accessors.