
Interface Summary
DialogStateManager Provides services related to the various DialogSteps of the dialog that is currently running.
DialogStep A dialog step does represent an existing or potential invocation of a modeled transition within a given dialog.
DialogStepDisplayStrategy<T extends DialogStep> This interface allows do provide a tree of next steps based on a given dialog step that is currently executed.
DialogStepDisplayStrategyProvider This interface allows do provide a tree of next steps based on a given dialog step that is currently executed.
DialogSubstep Represents dialog sub steps that can be contributed to a given dialog step by third parties.
DialogSubstepModel<T extends DialogSubstep> Optional interface that can be implemented in order to provide dialog substeps that belong to the implementing instance.
DialogSubstepModelInstantiator An interface responsible for instantiating a DialogSubstepModel which may be used in order to contribute additional sub steps to existing DialogStep objects.
DialogSubstepModelProvider An interface providing access to a DialogSubstepModel which may be used in order to contribute additional sub steps to existing DialogStep objects.

Enum Summary
DialogStateManager.Scope Scope in which dialog state details should be accumulated.