
This package defines interfaces for device support.


Interface Summary
CorDeviceClassService A device class service for COR contexts.
DeviceClass A device class is an abstraction of an (unspecified) common subset of features of clients.
DeviceClassCapable This interface describes resources that support device classes.
DeviceClassEquation A device equation that allows for boolean logic between device classes.
DeviceClassEquationSupport Adds support for device class equations.
DeviceClassEventListener This interface is the super interface for other administration event listeners of Device Class objects.
DeviceClassHome Home interface for device classes.
DeviceClassLocator<E extends DeviceClass> A locator for device classes.
DeviceClassModel<E extends DeviceClass> A model for device classes.
DeviceClassService Service interface for device classes.
DeviceClassServiceHome Home interface to the request independent parts of DeviceClass.
PortalDeviceClassService A device class service for servlets.
PortletDeviceClassService A device class service for portlets.
PortletDeviceClassServiceHome Home interface to the portlet request specific parts of DeviceClass.

Exception Summary
DeviceClassException Base class for all exception generated by the device support component.

Package Description

This package defines interfaces for device support. Device classes, represented by DeviceClass, are used in Portal as an abstraction for common properties of a client's device. For instance, tablet computers could be grouped into a device class 'tablets', since they share the same form factor and possibly other traits such as touch interface, additional hardware sensors, etc. Device Equations, represented by DeviceClassEquation, are used in Portal as an abstraction to provide boolean logic match checks for device classes.

Package Specification

The DeviceClassModel represents the device classes that are defined in Portal. It serves as a global view on device classes and is not user specific. The DeviceClassHome may be used to obtain such a model. This model can optionally also extend DeviceClassEquationSupport and can then provide additional utilities to create and check for equations.

Clients interacting with device classes in the scope of a request will usually use one of the following service home interfaces, depending on the context of the interaction:

when a CCPP profile is available
in the context of a servlet request
in the context of a portlet request

These service home interfaces provide access to the corresponding service interfaces:

All of the service interfaces provide access to the device classes that have been assigned to the client.